Giving a chance

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"I'm never drinking again." I grumpily said as I walked in the kitchen the next morning.
My parents laughed at me.
"Do you feel your brain growing?" My mum teased me. It did feel like it was.
"Sadly, yes." I chuckled. "Where's Cameron?"
"Let's just say our boy became a man." My mum explained excitedly.
"Ew. Mum!" I wonder how Bianca's father allowed that. I guess my brother won his trust.
They stared at me for few minutes.
"Alright, spill it out. What is it?" I asked feeling a bit awkward.
"Well... we were wondering..." My mum looked at my dad for support.
"Darling, look. Your mother and I were wondering if something happened between you and Daniel, especially since Patrick returned you home."My dad asked a bit worried.
"Well..." I took a deep breath and explained them the whole situation.
"And now I don't even know if we are together or not. I don't even know why I run from him, I get scared when he tries to speak with me." I wasn't sure if they understood what I meant.
"Hear him out. And tell him that your dad is in the Army." My dad joked, trying to light up my mood.
I chuckled a bit. "He knows, dad."
Looking at the clock I saw it was time for me to leave, I put my jacket and grabbed an umbrella, because it was raining. I opened the front door and stopped dead at my tracks. Daniel was standing outside, holding roses. He gave me a weak smile. Opening my umbrella I walked outside to him.
"You'll catch a cold!" I shouted, because the rain was too loud.
"I don't care! Emma, I am sorry! Please, give me a chance." He shouted back, his hair was soaked and rain drops were sliding down his face. He took a step closer to me and leaned down slowly pecking my lips. "I know I can make it right again. Just give me a chance, that's all I want."
I stared at him as every memory that we had since we've met rushed in my mind.
"Emma?" His voice brought me back to reality.
"Alright..." I whispered out.
"These are for you." He handed me the flowers with a smile on his face.
I thanked him with a nod and he pecked my forehead.
   During school everything seemed to be back to its usual way. Patrick did not show up today and I somehow hoped that he wouldn't because I was still embarrassed from last night.
    Cameron wasn't happy when he heard the news, but his happy mood, if you know what I mean, soften his reaction.
The next days passed by quickly. Patrick played cool when he found out that me and Daniel made up, but I could tell form the lines on his face that he wasn't happy with it. My mum and I, went out to find a dress for the celebration, we bought one that was long and straight, champagne color. And since it was winter we got a white fluff bolero, so my shoulders would stay warm. Daniel was kind and sweet again, but gave me feelings that something wasn't right.

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