The party

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   Cameron drove to the Stratford's house. At the door I saw Kat walking out and Patrick following behind her. My brother told me he will be right back and went to get Bianca.
"Hey, you must be Emma, Cameron's sister?" She asked when she sat at the back seats.
"Yea, nice to meet you." We shake hands and smiled.
   In few minutes we were at the party. The house was so full of teenagers that I felt it will explode. Michael joined us when he saw us.
"Sup guys?" He tried to play cool. But before we could answer Joey butted in.
"Well... well. Look who decided to come. Emma, I am surprised to see you here tonight." I wanted to smash the smirk off his face, but just looked at him sharply and walked away.
   A moment after that, my brother joined me, grumpy looking. I looked around to see if Michael was around and spotted him dancing or at least trying to next to some girls.
"What's with that face?" I asked him when I returned my eyes at him.
He did not answer. I followed his gaze and spotted Bianca and Joey holding hands.
"Hey, cheer up. You'll see soon she will regret her decision. I needed like one minute to get repulsed by Joey. She's not a fool, don't worry." I messed his hair and he smiled a bit.
"Ay, Cameron!" A husky voice called from the hall. We rose our heads up and spotted Patrick.
His smile faded from his face when he saw me. Guilt was written all over his face.
"Emma? Wha-what are you doing here I-I thought you said you weren't coming?"
"And I thought you were at work tonight, but I guess I was wrong." I told him coldly and crossed my arms.
   Some guys started cheering loudly from the other room, so without another word we went to check out what was going on.
   Kat was dancing on a round table in a very seductive way. Patrick got close to the table and she started dancing in front of him, which made me jealous for the first time in my life. She hit her head in the chandelier and fell right in Verona's arms. She was so drunk that he had to take her out by holding her. My brother followed them outside, while me on the other hand, left the party. He saw me after all, so what was the point of me staying there any longer.
   I spotted some swings as I was walking on the street and decided to lose a bit of time alone, away from everyone. I sat down on one of the swings and stared at the nothing. I was wondering why did he take me out, after that lied to me and took Kat on a date. I really started to feel something for him. I thought he did too, but I guess I was wrong. My thoughts were interrupted by someone's steps. I turned around and saw Patrick and Kat approaching. I quickly rose up to walk away but Patrick stopped me.
"Emma... I..."
"Save it, Verona. Make sure she returns home in one piece." I told him coldly and left them.

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