Stalker Part-2 (Stranger Romance)

Start from the beginning

"I didn't think I deserved you." He stated plain and simple.

"But you are here right now." He walked slowly towards me.

"Yes, I am. Because even though you deserve better than me, I cannot stay away from you. Watching you every night through a small window wasn't enough. I wanted to feel you against me, talk to you, be around you, kiss you, and fuck you."

We were an inch apart. And his eyes were on my lips. I had no reply to what he said. The guy did not lack confidence and I love how he went for what he wanted, which was me in this case.

"How do you know so much about me?"

"I did my research." He satiated, staring deep into my eyes.

"And why me?"

"Cus baby you perfect." Our lips would touch if one of us moved even a single inch. But then he backed up, giving me space. I did not know I was holding my breath while he was near me.

"Let me tell you everything about me from the beginning, so you won't have questions. And if you still do, I am here to answer them."

He held my hand and pulled me towards the sofa, he settled down and pulled me onto his lap. My back was touching the armrest and my bare legs were spread on the sofa. I was sitting sideways in his lap and I had to look up to look at him.

"I could write you a letter telling you everything about me, but it's more fun like this." He chucked and his hands started caressing my legs and back.

"So, I was born 27 years ago, to my parents who are still happily married with two children, me and my sister. I have lived my whole life in this town, but I do travel a lot for my work.

My home life had always been happy and nice since my childhood. But I wasn't too keen on going to school. Instead, I wanted to build things like my dad. He completed high school barely and joined Dad in his construction business. My sister is two years younger than me and super smart.

Since then, I have helped my dad in expanding his business. When I turned 25, Dad officially retired from his business and handed it over to me.

I build buildings and stuff; I love my job and I make decent money to support a wife and a bunch of kids. I own a home, more like I build it.

And that's all about me. I'm a simple man."

I did not realize when I placed my head on his chest, that I was smiling while listening to his story, he seemed like any other regular guy, probably a guy I would marry someday.

"Do you have any more questions?"

I didn't so I shook my head. And placed it back on his chest. I was just 23. And unlike him, I did not have my life figured out. But it felt nice to just sit in his lap and enjoy his warmth. He wrapped his hands around me and we just sat in silence.

"Wear a dress." He said out of the blue.

"What?" I looked up at his face and asked him.

"Wear a dress on Friday for our date. Which hope you still want to go on."

"Yes, I do."

"So, you ok with me then. Don't want to hit me in the balls or pepper spray me for staling you?" He was amused I could see the delight dancing in his eyes.

"No, I am not upset, you seem like a fine guy."

That's when my stomach rumbled loudly. It was only nine and he laughed out loud.

"You are hungry, aren't you? When was the last time you ate."

I had my lunch at noon and nothing after that.

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