"My mother said we cannot stay here any longer." Mostly because of his mother, but she would not tell him that. "She says we are not safe and she does not want us to grow up surrounded by hate and rumors, so it best that we leave."

For a moment he almost looked sad, but she was sure she was just seeing things. "Where are you going to go?"

"We will be going to Dragonstone." She was hoping things would be better there. "It is my mother's seat after all."

Darya had hoped that her uncles would change their minds and become friends with her and her brothers, but now she could see that it would not happen. Her uncles had been poisoned by their mother's venom. Maybe once they were older and could think for themselves they would understand that she, her brothers, and mother were not their enemies.

 Maybe once they were older and could think for themselves they would understand that she, her brothers, and mother were not their enemies

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                                                                     Darya Velaryon (4 years old.)


1 year later

Living in Dragonstone was fun and very different from Kings Landing, it did not feel like everyone was watching and judging them all the time. Jace and her spent time running, playing, and training with their dragons. Darya had also been spending a lot of time perfecting her Valyrian, which was much better than her brother's. Things had been much better for a few moons until they received the news that Harwin Strong and his father had been killed in a fire. They had been unconsolable and her mother had locked herself in her chambers for hours every night. Darya was not sure what was happening, but her mother almost looked heartbroken. Then a fortnight ago they had received news that her aunt Laena Velaryon had died while giving birth. Her father had been inconsolable and had not stopped crying since receiving the news.

Now they were in Driftmark and Darya was very uncomfortable. They were surrounded by crying people and her grandmother looked extremely sad. She felt bad for Laena's daughters, both girls looked very sad as well. Her uncle Daemon was another story, he did not seem too bothered by what was happening. Vaemond Velaryon was saying something about salt coursing through Velaryon blood while glaring at her mother. Everyone's attention was stolen by her uncle Daemon who was laughing, something that made her grandsire Corlys extremely upset. Darya was sure that things would end badly until finally Laena's coffin was dumped into the sea.

After the funeral, she and Jace stood near the balcony while everyone talked around them. She had not missed the looks Aemond had been sending her way. He looked a bit confused but had not made any moves to approach her or Jace.

"There you are." Her mother's voice caught her attention. "Have you two seen your father?"

"No," Jace answered. "He might be with his friend."

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