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Ostara- march 19-21(march 19th, 2024) 

The spring equinox of equal day and equal night. a sabbath to celebrate renewal and rebirth and fertility of spring

Ostara, which falls on the first day of spring, marks the newfound balance between light and darkness. This sabbat was named for Eostre, the Germanic goddess of dawn. New beginnings, abundance, and great potential are the focus of this celebration. As the days get longer. Do a planning ritual to honor the arrival of the spring season. During this "seed blessing," is to take a seed in your hand, visualize and hold your intention, then plant it. Manifest your intention as you watch the new life grow.



colors: pastels, pink, yellow, light green, green, pale purple, blue, light blue, gold

herbs/oils/incense: clover, jasmine, honeysuckle, mint, lemon balm, peonies, tulips, violet chamomile, dandelion, lavender, parsley, rosemary, thyme, daffodils, tulips, lilies, violets, crocuses, orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, sandalwood

crystals: citrine, amazonite, moonstone, aquamarine, fluorite, amethyst, bloodstone, clear quartz, rose quartz, green moss agate, jasper

animals: butterflies, chicks, hares, lambs, rabbits, robins, birds



-plant seeds

-make a spring wreath

-decorate eggs

-have a picnic

-have a tea party

-go on a walk

-make a flower garland/ crown

-spring cleaning

-decorate alter

-decorate with flowers

-drink sun energized water/tea

-bake a carrot cake

-burn candles/ incense



baskets, budding twigs, bunnies, spring water, chicks, colored eggs, 4 leaf clovers, spring flowers, sprouting bulbs










-new beginnings





- egg shells








-lemon/ orange slices

-rose petals/ oil



-any other herbs you wish to add

1. add in the ingredients into a pot of water

2.bring the water boil, then turn heat down to low and let simmer for as long as you want. Stir towards you to bring it all in.

Once you are done you can dispose as normal (strain water and put into the trash) or you can bury it in soil outside
You can also you is in a spray bottle for cleaning and protecting (can spray on counters, surfaces, doors, etc) or use for what ever else you want


(more coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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