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SAMHAIN(pronunciation: saw-win) October 31 - November 1

Samhain marks the renewing of the cycle of the Wheel of the Year, is the most important sabbat. During this time, the veil that separates the worlds is at its thinnest, allowing for lost ancestors and loved ones to pass into our world. On this day, honor those who are no longer in this realm. Samhain marks a new year on the Wheel, take a moment to set intentions and goals for your next year. Also begin to make space in your life for rest, as winter is soon to begin.



colors: orange, brown, black, gold, scarlet, purple, silver, yellow

herbs/essential oil/incense: apples, marigold, cypress, ferns, pumpkin, heather, nuts, hazel, and sage. sandalwood, patchouli, sweetgrass, cinnamon, rosemary, frankincense, cedar 

crystals: jet, obsidian, onyx, carnelian, black moonstone, smoky quartz and bloodstone

foods: apples, pumpkin, squash, turnips, apple cider, root veggies, apple pie, pumpkin pie, bred, nuts, tea



-herbs, pumpkins, apples, leaves, 

-bones and skulls

-crystals that correspond 


-colors that correspond



-jack o lanterns and pumpkins

-tarot cards




divination, seeing clearly, endings, honoring the dead, releasing bad habits, banishing, protection 



-create a memorial alter for passed loved ones

-reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new year

-carve pumpkins into jack o lanterns

-take a walk

-graveyard picnic

-communicate with spirits through tarot, pendulum, scrying, or other magical work

-protection spells

-decorate alter

-candle magic



-glass jar

-autumn leaves


-pumpkin seeds

-black candle

-herbs(mugwort, rosemary, calendula, other corresponding herbs)


-crystals(carnelian, tourmaline, other corresponding crystals)



-13 whole cloves

-3 sticks of cinnamon

-1 tspn vanilla extract

-1 tspn ground nutmeg

-2 hole granny smith apple peel

-anything else you want to add

1. add in the ingredients into a pot of water

2.bring the water boil, then turn heat down to low and let simmer for as long as you want. Stir towards you to bring it all in.

Once you are done you can dispose as normal (strain water and put into the trash) or you can bury it in soil outside
You can also you is in a spray bottle for cleaning and protecting (can spray on counters, surfaces, doors, etc)

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