Wheel of the year

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Info used from: https://writualplanner.com/blogs/news/the-8-pagan-sabbats-and-how-you-can-celebrate-them?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=19829447984&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1rqkBhCTARIsAAHz7K3EARwG2KQfeCcMzj-MpeilEl73uKBSAlnsuH6wjvKWibn-eNltsywaAtSHEALw_wcB

All info and pictures used are from that website up until its stated other wise. This is notes and info from different sources compiled for convince. :)

This would be the first year that I have been really getting into the wheel of the year, I wanted to do more than what my mom has done with me growing up. I didn't know much other than a few things. I started in march and started with ostara but didn't actually start doing anything until litha. I have sections with more info, I do as it happens in real time. It also helps me learn and practice and not get over whelmed with research.

Friendly reminder: You don't have to celebrate or do anything for each sabbat if you can't, don't have time, or don't want to. You don't have to do each one as well. :)


The Wheel of the Year represents a pagan holiday calendar that's split into 8 sections, or sabbats. These 8 sabbats divide the year equally, marking the beginning of each season as well as their mid-points.

Because the yearly solstices and equinoxes are tied to astronomical events, some of the sabbats shift slightly from year-to-year.

The 8 sabbats are split up into two categories - the lesser and greater sabbats.

Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon are known as the lesser sabbats. These are the pagan seasonal holidays, more commonly known as solstices and equinoxes.

Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain are known as the greater sabbats. These pagan holidays mark the midpoint of each season.

A celebration comes about every 6 weeks. Each pagan sabbat has its own spells, rituals, and tarot spreads associated with it.

YULE. december 19-23

Yule is the celebration of the winter solstice(link to more info) This is the shortest day and longest night of the year.

While Yule is a time of darkness, it's also a time of rebirth, as it's a new beginning for light to enter the world again.

Yule is associated with thought and reflection. It's a time to look back on your year. Honor your lost loved ones during Yule, and give them a space to join you in the celebrations.

One of the most important aspects of honoring this sabbat is the yule log. Traditionally, celebrants burn the log through the night to represent how light can always be found in the darkness. At the end of the burning, a piece of the log is saved until the following year to symbolize the cycle of all things in nature.

Card 1: What am I invited to release as we shift into the lighter days?

Card 2: Advice for helping this release move through me.

Card 3: What seeds should I plant for the coming lighter days?

Card 4: What is being reborn in my life?

Card 5: How do I honor myself at this time?


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