tarot cards

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Use sacred smoke: Light a smoke cleansing wand made of dried rosemary, lavender, cedar, sage, or Palo Santo until it's smoking. With the burning herbs in one hand and deck in the other, hold the smoke a safe distance below the deck, so the smoke wafts upward onto the cards. Turn the deck so that all sides get engulfed by the smoke. Then set your deck down and safely stop the smoke.

Place a selenite stone, black tourmaline, clear quartz on the deck: like to let it sit like this overnight, but an hour would work, too.

Put them in the new moon: The New Moon is blank slate energy, you can cleanse the deck under the new moon by placing it on a window sill on a new moon night. You can also set a fresh intention for your deck at this time.

Put the cards in a bowl of salt: Salt is a powerful and grounding cleanser. This is my favorite option for a serious cleanse. Let it sit 1-8 hours in dry place (watch out for humidity with this one!)

Chaotic shuffle: lay the cards out on the floor and mix them up like you're a kid playing in mud. The randomness and freedom of this method is a great reset.

The sort and shuffle: Lay out the deck starting with the Major Arcana numbers 0-22 in lines of 7 cards across. Then lay out the cards Ace through King for each suit in this order: Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles. View the deck in this form, then mix it all up (like the chaotic!) and shuffle well


Knocking or blowing:

We start with my all-time favorite: blowing and knocking the cards. Take your cards and fan them out in one hand. Gently start to blow on the cards. One breath will normally do.

Now, make one neat pile of the cards and knock on top of the deck. Your cards are now cleansed of old energy and ready for their next reading

Some readers use salt as a purifier. If you want to try out this method to cleanse tarot cards, first wrap your card tightly in a plastic bag. Then take an airtight container with salt that is big enough for your cards.

Now place your cards in the container and make sure they're surrounded with salt on all sides (yes even the top). Leave the cards in the container for at least a few days.

Without tools, cleansing and clearing your tarot cards can be as simple as a prayer or visualization to erase any past energetic connection to the cards.


you can charge them by holding them again in both hands and visualizing new, clean, wise, compassionate, and spiritual energy coming into the cards. You can visualize this energy coming right from divine Source, for example.

You can also charge your cards by saying a prayer or incantation over them. Anything you do that imbues the cards with your higher energy or higher vibration energy, be it from crystals, herbs, or even exposure to peaceful or spiritual music, helps to align their energy with your intention.




Wands- fire

energy- male

passion, creation, spirit, inspiration, ambition

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