protection spells

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-essential oils with cleansing energy
(Basil, bergamot, lavender, lemon, orange, peppermint, sage, ylang-ylang)

-salt of any kind

-small glass container

Step 1: fill a small glass container with salt
Step 2: add drops of the essential oil to desired amount
Step 3: place container out of reach and is safe
Step 4: say this out loud " I place this salt for all to see that evil, ills, and sadness be absorbed into its very core so harm is pulled from my door"

You can leave for as long as you want. Or once the smell is completely gone touch may remove it or change out the salt and repeat. You can do the ritual anywhere and everywhere as needed, as often as needed.
Dispose the salt by washing it down the drain and visualizing the water absorbing the salt and negativity as it flows down.


-white tea light
-paper and pen

Step 1: remove candle from the holder
Step 2: put salt in the holder
Step 3: write a sigil or rune on paper and put it in the salt
Step 4: put candle back in holder and light. Let it burn completely


-white candle

-small piece of amber (or citrine)

-3 drops of protection oil blend( go to herbs/incessance/ essential oil section on how to make)

-1part course sea salt 

-glass jar

-1 part dried sage

-1 part dried lavender

-2 sandalwood chips

-1 part dried frankincense 

1.anoint the white candle and piece of amber (or citrine) with the protection oil blend. add a bit of salt to the bottom of the jar, then add the piece of amber. layer the sage, lavender, sandalwood, and frankincense over it. put on lid

2. light the candle. activate the charm jar with the incantation below as the candle burns

"blessed charm, protect me from the evil glares. blessed charm, protect me from evil thoughts. blessed charm, please keep me safe. blessed charm, bless me."

3.contine the chant until the wax pools on the surface of the candle, then bind the jar by allowing the wax to drip over the top of the bottle (sides and top of the lid) as you speak the incantation. let cool

4. your charm is ready to be carried around with you for protection. also place it on your nightstand or near your bed as you sleep

(Book Of Shadows by Anastasia Graywolf)



-1 garlic clove

-small knife

-sheet of paper

-blue pen

1. cut the clove of garlic in half with the knife. rub the pieces all over the sheet of paper. the garlic acts as a banishing charger

2. write the full name of the person who you want to leave you alone, then draw a circle around it. fold the sheet of paper tightly and small.

3. place folded paper in the back of you freezer as you speak the incantation

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