tips and other small/ basic info

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Tips for beginners

Its very important to do a lot of research on things you want to practice. There are so many different types of magic, spells and witches. Its best to try to do a lot of research and figure out what you want to do. You don't have to learn every thing, most witches don't. Its like going to to school, some people have a major and minors and electives. I like to learn and try things out as the years go on. But I would say that my major or majors, is lunar magic and nature. Like herbs and crystals. And minors in water and divination. While a elective is candles. You also don't have to be one type of witch, you can do what ever you want.


Green witch: nature based, earth oriented, herbalism

Kitchen witch: food crafting, crafty, hearth and home, protection

Sea witch: water based, beech dwellers, uses lunar magic and weather magic

Cosmic witch: astrology, zodiac, horoscopes, celestial energy

Fire witch: works with candles, flames, burning, and focuses on the element of fire

Divination witch: tarot cards, palmistry, pendulum

Secular witch: practices witchcraft with out aid from gods

Eclectic witch: studies many forms of witch craft, folk magic, deities


You can go to the "Teen witches guide to spells" section, it has a lot of good information on a lot of other stuff, including how to start with spells


basic tools



-crystals and stones


-smudge sticks

-burning bowl or cauldron

-essential oils



-blade or knife




-notebook or bos

-pen and paper


cool info: What is a Twin Flame?

A twin flame is an intense soul connection with someone thought to be a person's other half, sometimes called a "mirror soul." It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies. One of the main characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing. This is due to the mirroring nature of a twin flame; they show you your deepest insecurities, fears, and shadows. But they also help you overcome them, and vice versa-your twin flame will be equally affected by you. Importantly, each person is still "whole" on their own.

(thought it was cool and didn't want to forget info so added for fun)


how to open a spell/ cast a circle

-crystal or wand

1. once you have what you need on your alter or space, hold your crystal or wand in your right hand and stand quietly for a min or two

2. wave you right hand over your objects, making a circle in the air. this will enclose all things inside and keep out anything negative

-can cast circle before or after lighting a candle. a candle candle help enhance any spells that don't use them.


how to close spell/ circle

1. when done with your spells always close it down by saying "so mote it be" or "and so it is", "the spell is cast". and say thank you

-let candle burn out unless stated other wise from your spell, and never leave it unattended



grounding is the use of techniques which calm our nervous system, and to help us connect to the here and now. grounding helps us connect to our 5 senses when we may fell like things are out of control

remember- everyone is different and not everything will work for you, find what's best for you.

when to ground: when you notice your self beginning to dissociate, when a trigger is present, when experiencing intrusive thoughts or memories.

its good to ground before you do any kind of spells or rituals

grounding with the 5 senses:

sound- listen to music, call a loved one or friend, listen to rain or waves, read aloud

touch- hold a ice cube and focus on it melting, have a hot or cold shower, hug a pet or a friend, rub your hand on fabric or textures and focus on it.

smell- smell your favorite essential oil, light a candle or incense

taste- chew gum, eat something spicy, let chocolate melt in your mouth

sight- take inventory of your surroundings, count objects, play a distraction game, watch your favorite show

Ways to ground: eat something, listen to music or sounds, lay with the earth, meditate or exercise, use a crystal, herbs, bath.

grounding crystals- hernatie, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, tree agate, amber, garnet.

my grounding ritual

if wanted you can add anything to the ritual or have nothing at all




1. light any candles or incense and hold crystals in hand if wanted

2.lay on your back flat or if sitting have feet flat on ground

3. breathe in and out for about 10min

4.focus on your feet for about a min. then each part of your body all the way up to your head

5. visualize vines or roots or both flowing through your body and going down into the earth. do as long as needed

6. you ay open your eyes and lay/sit as long as needed.


my recommendations


-The book of shadows by Anastasia

-Teen witches guide to spells

(list coming soon)


(more stuff coming soon)

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