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I was bound to do this at some point.

Let's get the rules out of the way first


1) Don't bully other people roleplaying here

(I will sick my Poké Mafia on you if you go around acting worse than a Gary Oak)

2) Fill as many forms as you want, just keep track of everything so I don't have to

3) Don't make your Pokémon OCs or team members OP, it'll make the scenario boring in most cases

Rule 3 (OP rule) can only be bypassed if your human or Pokémon character is gifted something from a powerful Legendary OR you're playing as a Legendary.

ie...being chosen as their champion, is bonded/linked to them or even is somehow their child

(In other have to trade in being a trainer or an average Pokemon to be a demigod. Or maybe you even make up a Legendary OC)

4) Ask permission from me first if you want harems. I'll likely look at your OC first and judge them to see if they're fitting enough for me to do one, so don't give me a perfect character or some wimp that somehow gets all the girls

Which brings us to an important rule

5) Have character flaws so you aren't boring. Even Legendary Pokémon have issues

(I'm at you guys Groudon, Necrozma and Giratina.........oh who am I kidding I love you guys!)

6) 18+ content will be moved to pms or you can ask to do it somewhere like Discord where they have a place to privately chat

7) human x Pokémon romances will generally not be allowed in this, only best friends, sibling-like bonds and adoption are allowed for majority of relationships between Pokémon and humans

(Human-like Egg Group might be a close exception, but it's still such a dark gray area that I may just say no most of the time.)

8) Hybrids are allowed to some extent as long as the information is clear and it isn't OP

9) If you wish to make up an element type for your Pokémon OCs, you need to provide strengths and weaknesses against other types so I know when and what to put against them

10) All scenarios will avoid being a full adventure in ANY of the canon games so I don't have to rely on the script of the game or anime to move through it. Every single one will be unique in that it will be adventures outside the league, though I'm not against bringing back defeated villains just so you can spank their butts a SECOND TIME

Rule 10 will only be bypassed if it's an alternate timeline or universe scenario I have in this book.

11) Let me know what timezone you live in so I know when to not send a response that interrupts your schedule

(I live in America's Central Timezone, so whatever the time in Nashville, Tennessee and Chicago, Illinois is would likely be the time of day for me.)

12) Have fun! This is an rp book, so don't worry too much.


Here's forms. Feel free to tag me if you already have an OC to use

Human Form

Gender: (male or female like in the games)
Region of birth:
Parents: (mom, dad or both?)
Starter Pokémon:
The rest of the team:

Titles: (mainly champion titles, though your title in Kalos' Battle Chateau can count too if you have one) [optional or choose none]

Occupation: (trainer or some other career choice like Professor, medic, police officer or even rescue team/firefighters)

Crush: (optional)

Pokémon Form

Species of Pokémon:
Appearance: (regular or shiny? And do you have any apparel that you wear like a hat or a ribbon?)



Status: (wild, owned or released)



Crush: (optional)

Legendary (or Mythical) Form

This is mainly for if anyone made up their own Legendary for any region, including fan made regions, but you can also just tell me if you want to play as a preexisting Legendary too.

Role: (what is your whole purpose for existing?)
Parents: (optional. Only if your Legendary/Mythical had a parent Legendary that created them, likely just put Arceus down if you don't know but still want a creator)
Crush: (optional)


Enjoy your time here!

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