Piano Man - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

“Not a bad guy, he left mom alone when she was pregnant with the both of us, he disappeared on their wedding day, what does he have to do to become a bad guy in your books commit murder?”

“Maybe he didn’t want to leave...” I could feel my lips quiver and my eyes moisten as all the emotions ran through my head.

“ get it through your thick skull Darc, he left us, he doesn’t care about us, he never loved us and he never will. He chose to leave and never come back, he is the reason for everyone’s unhappiness. He is a selfish lowlife who doesn’t care about anybody but himself” Robby raised his voice in rage. I  felt the anger pump through my veins with every insult he threw at our dad until it got to the point where I couldn’t handle it anymore. I just turned and walked away quickly, telling myself to calm down before I do something stupid, but I was too angry. I looked to the ground and saw a stone. I picked it up and threw it in the direction of Robby.

“Hey, Robby watch out” Noah called allowing for Robby to dodge the rock and let it crash right through the kitchen window. My face dropped as I watched every little piece of glass shatter and Niall and Shawna running out of the house in fury. I was in a lot of shit. I just ran into the house and up to the guest bedroom I was staying in. What had gotten into me? I was never the type to get in trouble or lose my temper. I could hear the bickering from the window. Robby was explaining what happened, I could tell by the story he was telling with his hands and then Noah was begging his parents, probably making some excuse up so he could be my ‘hero’. I watched as Noah and his parents continued to talk and then decided I should probably start packing my bags.There was no way they were going to put up with my horrible behavior. I was probably going to be shipped back home to stay with a friend or even worse travel with my mom on tour. I had made the wrong action though and I would have to face the repercussions of it. I continued to back until everything was back in my suitcase and I zipped it back up.

“Leaving so soon?” I turned my head to see Noah standing in the doorway. Wearing pajama pants and it had seemed as if he had freshly showered. I could smell his aftershave from the other side of the room--my weakness. Well my other weakness being his define abs, but I tried not to stare as he stood in the doorway. He came and sat down on the floor beside me.

“I just figured your parents weren’t too happy with the fact that I broke the window and I’d be shipped home.” I shrugged avoiding eye contact

“Shipped home?  That’d be too easy!” he chuckled. “I talked to my parents and they get how you were feeling but they also like a window in their kitchen.They agreed that you would pay to get the window fixed and that’s all of your punishment” he explained, he was actually keeping his ego to himself and not being a smartass.

“ With what money though?”

“That’s where I come in.” He grinned widely. “The pub I work at needs a new waitress and well you need money.”

“You want me to work with you?” I bit my lip. I felt a ton of relief knowing that the Horan’s weren’t as mad as I thought they would be.

“Why not?”

“Thanks” I smiled.

“Don’t thank me yet” Noah smiled even wider.

“What’d you do?”  My eyes went wide as my heart dropped. I had a feeling that Noah was the type to action irrationally and do something really stupid. Which is slightly hypocritical since I was the one who threw the rock into the window.

“ I talked to my dad about us looking for your dad.”

“You did what?” I raised my voice. Noah had just ruined any chances of us finding my father.

“Calm down” Noah smirked. “ It was actually a good thing.”

“ Oh and how was telling your dad about our secret plan to find my dad since nobody will tell us anything a good plan?” I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

“ Fine, I won’t tell you” He turned his body away from me crossing his arms.

“Come on Noah” I begged. I started to wonder if there was a good side to this, maybe I was being too hard on Noah. I am too hard on everyone...

“Nope, you didn’t want to hear it” He smiled as he said it. I moved behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

“I’ll tackle you if you don’t tell me”

“ What if I want you to tackle me” He smirked and turned about to face me and I rolled my eyes. “I talked to my dad...I told him everything.” he stated slowly creating suspense. “And he wants to find my dad too, everyone does.  Liam called my dad after us and is on his way out here with his family. They are going to invite the rest out here and see if they can get any information out of anyone. Darcy, we might actually find him this time” I couldn’t help but let  a smile spread across my face, I looked up at Noah making eye contact with him, our faces inches apart.

“Thank you” I bit my lip.

“What are you two love birds talking about?” Gabby asked as she entered the room with a bowl of popcorn. The ‘rents wanted to know if you wanted to watch a  movie together.

“I’d rather stay up here” I smiled politely.

“It’s a movie about your dad...” Gabby said and as soon as the words came out of her mouth I was running down the stairs plopping myself down on the couch. Everyone was there and looked eager, except Robby who seemed to have declined the offer.

Piano Man  (Sequel to Isn't She Lovely) -h.s-Where stories live. Discover now