39- The Final Task

Start from the beginning

We waited for Hetta so we could all walk together as we met in the courtyard where Lark and Kamori, and Carr were along with some of the other teachers. I happen to notice Dain or any of the superior weren't present, same with the Wingleaders.

What the hell...

Obviously I wasn't the only one who knew this as the others notice as well. " Sorrengail, where the hell is Riorson?" Imogen asks walking up to me with Emery and Heaton.

" Your guess is as good as mine."

" Shouldn't you know seeing your mated to the damn guy?" 

I narrow my gaze at her, " We're not mated."

She rolls her eyes, " Fine, bonded..whatever.." She looks around " What is going on?"

As if on Cue Carr steps to the middle projecting his voice for all of us to hear. " Good Morning."

Everyone quiets down looking back at him. " As I'm sure alot of you noticed, your higher ups from your and neighboring squads are not here with us today. And no, you don't need to fine them. Your final roll is to see how well you can work with your squad without Commanding officers, when in battle your not guaranteed to live. Act as if they died."

" Well damn." Sawyer mutters behind me as we still listen.

" Your task is as follows: You need to find something that let's say.. would be the most benefical in taking down the enemy. It can be anything within these walls, you'll have 2 hours to aquire that item and bring it back here to be judged. Whoever wins will get 100 points added to their score."

I believe right now we're in 4th so the points would put us in a huge lead to 1st, like Xaden wants so badly... Did he not know about this? He should've told us, or something.

" You can't cheat your way in every battle." Rhys hisses making me want to verbally tell him to shut up. But he's right...

Everyone diperses in thir squads running every which direction, Imogen takes the lead leading us to the woods right where they had that meeting that night. " Ok, so... Anyone else want to be in charge or are you all good with me?"

I look around, everyone nods in agreement including myself. " Since you already lead us this far.. minus well."

She nods, " Ok, so.. what could we even get? Something that would weaken the supposed enemy?"

" A weapon...duh.." Ridoc answers dumbly.

" That's basic, everyone will want to get a weapon.... We need something big..something no one else could get.." Liam counters.

" A dragon!" Ridoc almost yells.

" Do you wanna get burned alive?" Imogen huffs already annoyed with Ridoc and his attempts.

" Freya had Andarna.. she's the only dragon that could fit in the college." Sawyer adds.

" I'd rather not." Andarna's soft voice says shakily.

" You won't..." I answer back.

I shake my head, " Technically, she's not a full war fighting dragon...though it's a good idea.." I say amongst the group, " We need something no one else could think of getting..something so...difficault.."

The idea pops in my head as my eyes widen and a small smile forms on my lips. " I have just the idea.. It's stupid..maybe a little dangerous..but if we can get something from there..anything...we'll win by a landslide."

Imogen looks back at me with a little smirk and lint in her eye, " Well, we know your good at stupid things so.. what are you thinking?"

" We break into General Sorrengail's office." I answer making everyone's jaw hang open besides Ridoc's. "  Oh Hell yea!"

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