37- Istanbul Activities

Start from the beginning


I woke up the next day hoping we could just take a rest day, maybe go out to eat but I wasn't really interested in doing anything. The fatigue of the previous day lingered as I joined the ladies in the living room for breakfast. Hauwa was absent, likely enjoying moments with her husband.

Am'ma Janna noticed my subdued demeanor. " You look a bit down today hal anta bikhair habibty?" She inquired.

Hamdulillah, Am'ma, I'm just tired today," I responded, offering a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure?" Lulu pressed.

"Yes," I affirmed, serving myself and inviting them to eat. "Actually, I was wondering if he's doing all these things for Nadia too?"

"Probably not, she's not posting, and you know she likes to share everything," Fefe chimed in.

"Why should you care?" Am'ma Janna questioned.

"To ensure he's being fair between us so she doesn't resent me for anything she's already upset about us getting married," I explained.

"That's not your concern, my dear. Focus on yourself for peace of mind," she advised wisely.

I nodded, realizing she was right. Dwelling on Nadia would only disrupt my peace. Just as I pondered this, a knock interrupted my thoughts. I peeped through the door hole and noticed it was one of the hotel staff. I grabbed the hijab on the couch and threw it over my pajamas before opening the door.

I opened the door receiving an envelope addressed from Mr. Muhammad Salman.

Dear Ms A'isha and Family,

We are looking forward to hosting you this evening at 7pm at Turk Faith Tutak restaurant!

Back in the room, the letter revealed an invitation to Turk Faith Tutak, a renowned two-Michelin-star restaurant. Excitement bubbled within me, and I rushed to share the news. Despite my initial desire for a rest day, it seemed today held unexpected adventures, including dress shopping for the grand occasion. Lulu texted Hauwa to inform her of dinner plans and ask if she wanted to come dress shopping with us. We were going to go to one of the boutiques at the Grand Bazaar and I'm sure we'd find something to wear.

Before venturing out, I decided to send a quick message to Muhammad to express my gratitude. "Thank you for the invitation. Looking forward to a wonderful evening. 😊"

Our shopping escapade took us to a pretty boutique with minimal designs. Surrounded by vibrant fabrics and intricate designs, I explored the options, searching for the perfect dress. After trying on a few, I settled on a sophisticated burgundy gown with subtle embellishments, creating an elegant yet modern look.

As the evening approached, we gathered at the hotel to prepare. The dress, paired with golden accessories, complemented the ambiance of the exquisite restaurant. The excitement bubbled within us as we headed to Turk Faith Tutak.

The staff welcomed us warmly, leading us to a tastefully decorated table. The ambiance exuded sophistication, setting the stage for a memorable evening.


As the days unfolded, my excitement for the upcoming wedding activities grew more. Each moment in Istanbul felt like a dream.

As our trip ended, we did some last-minute shopping, ate at cute restaurants, and even had spa treatments during our last days. Despite the tempting array of items while shopping, I found myself not needing much for myself, thanks to the generous lefe (dowry) gifted by Muhammad's family. The 15 boxes, eight of which were designer, overflowed with quality items, leaving me hoping our future home would have a walk-in closet. Today, on our final day, we focused on furniture shopping for decorative pieces. Lounging in bed, my phone interrupted my reverie, displaying Farida Salman's name. Curiosity piqued, I answered.

"Salam, Ya Farida, good evening," I responded.

"Salam, A'isha. How are you? Are you home?" Farida's tone was warm and friendly.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm well, thank you. And yes, I'm home," I replied.

"I wanted to ask if there's anything specific you have in mind for your new home? We're setting things up on short notice, and I want you to feel comfortable without needing too many changes. Plus, my brother has a taste that's a bit too minimal and neutral," she chuckled.

"That's incredibly thoughtful of you, Ya Farida. Thank you so much," I expressed my gratitude sincerely.

"Of course, don't mention it. We're sisters now," she replied warmly.

"I don't have anything specific in mind, actually. I also appreciate minimal designs, but I do love art and pictures. We went shopping for some home decor today, so I'll send you pictures. If you see places where they'll fit beforehand, that would be wonderful. And please, I'd like to request a beautifully designed prayer room inside the house," I conveyed my preferences.

"That's a fantastic idea. If you have any pictures of what you have in mind, please send them to me," Farida responded.

"Sure, I'll do that, Inshallah," I promised.

"I hope you're enjoying your trip. When are you back?" Farida inquired.

"Yes, I am, thank you. I'll be back in Nigeria tomorrow, but I need to see Deola for my outfit in Lagos before coming to Abuja. So, in three days' time, Inshallah, I'll be home," I informed her.

"Allah ya kawo ki lafiya amaryan mu," Farida blessed me, and I couldn't help but smile at her kind words.

As I wrapped up my call with Farida, I felt grateful for her kindness and support. It was heartening to know that at least some of Muhammad's family was so welcoming and accommodating. With our trip coming to an end, I reflected on the wonderful experiences we had shared in Istanbul. From exploring the beautiful streets to indulging in luxurious spa treatments, every moment had been special. As we prepared to head back home, I felt a sense of anticipation for the new chapter awaiting us. My girls were right after all, this trip would be motivating and make me more cheerful.

Hello dear readers,

Don't kill me please🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️

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