Chapter XIX (19): Downfall (II)

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Many thoughts filled the mind of Ferno, as he and Dhan awaited endlessly, waiting in their small metal box prison, as the orange sky from outside dimmed more and more.

"How long has it been..." The words escaping Ferno, staring at the roof of the carriage, growing more restless.

With arms crossed, Dhan stared at the floor, "I think..." he started, "...less than an hour? can't say." Relaxing back on the walls of the carriage, "..but you probably should...y'know, relax a little?" Leaving a suggestion.

Ferno sat up, his worried glare directed at Dhan. "How can you relax...? Leva is still out there." he said, curling up into a ball. "I left her..." The words weighed heavily and once again, the same strange reoccurring pressure around him intensified, his emotions leaking the familiar dark energy.

The cogs in Dhan's mind started to spin. Something was definitely amiss with Ferno. "(No doubt about it... something else is going on...)"

Dhan heaved a sigh, "Can we just...tune it down a bit? y'know, the constant self-blame?"

Silence filled the cramped space, broken only by Ferno's troubled breathing. Dhan, receiving no answer, suggested, "Hey, wanna talk?"

Ferno lifted his head, glumness written all over his face, "What...?"

"Not about what's happening now...but something else entirely, unrelated stuff, yeah?"

Perplexed, Ferno asked again, "...what kind of stuff..."

"Like...about you! uhm...your...Sword, for example. What's it called again?" Dhan inquired.

"Caliburn..." Ferno quietly replied.

"Caliburn!" Dhan exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "I totally remembered that. Anyway, why don't you tell me more about it?" he beamed a smile.

Ferno hesitated, taken aback by Dhan's sudden shift in energy. "...Why are you bringing this up?"

"To be honest, even though we lived under the same roof, I still feel like a stranger to you." Dhan admitted. "Secluding yourself didn't help... at least you started leaving your shell after a year, haha..."

Ferno's gaze turned away, Dhan aimed to keep his attention, "...And I don't blame you for it...i uh...also didn't really know how to take care of a kid." Dhan said, looking away, tugging a smirk on the edge of lips.

He turned back, "So..? is there anything i should know? I'm all ears!" Dhan's tentative voice echoed the small space and quietitude outside.

Ferno was slightly moved by his willingness, "...okay...but...where do I start...?" Nervousness tinged his voice.

"What you can literally summon a weapon out of thin air!" Dhan crossed his arms, anticipating a direct answer, "it looked like you can do it anywhere...anytime! can you do it now?" he added.

Ferno fiddled his fingers, " i tried, doesn't always work..." he said.

Rubbing his chin, Dhan nodded slightly, "okay...what about how you do it?"

Ferno opened his mouth to answer but halted, realizing he didn't quite understand it himself. "I... don't know..."

With half-closed eyes and a slight smile, Dhan mused, "Ferno... you're not giving me anything here."

Struggling, Ferno tried to piece together an explanation. "I... uh... just open my hand and... put my mind to it...?"

Dhan chuckled, "...right, haha, at least thats a start." he then added a question, "Does caliburn not...weigh anything?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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