Chapter X (10): Interception

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With everything set in stone, the group returns to Mira after their rest. Ferno was filled with anxiety, Leva was bubbling with excitement while Dhan looks fairly calm and composed.

Mira looks behind, taking notice of their different states, teasingly commenting, "Seems you haven't shed a sweat, Dhan" She remarks joyfully.

"Magic isn't all that new to me, i'm just trying to stay calm for his sake" He replies, patting Ferno on the back.

Attempting to prove himself, Ferno stammered, "I-I'm fine...!" but failing to convey it properly.

A smirk lays on her face before speaking again, "...Well, i'm sure you'll all be fine~" Smiling reassuringly before turning back to her preparations.

Mira seems to be preparing for something by arranging artifacts, scrolls and whatnot on a nearby table.

She reached for a crystal orb adorned with intricate patterns. The orb starts emitting a pulsating glow, responding to her presence

Leva's appeared puzzled, couldn't quite grasp what Mira is up to. "So...what are you doing, Mira?"

Looking back with a gentle smile, finding joy in Leva's confusion. "Let's call it... 'Arcana ingenuity,'" she replied, adding an air of mystery.

Perplexed by the word, She asks again, "Arcana...?"

"Arcana, the most advanced form of magic one can learn." Explained Mira, Realizing her limits, She continues. "Since i don't know how to directly open a gateway...i had to improvise!"

Gesturing her hand, Magical energy flies through the air, following her motion. Closing her hand, a burst of light erupted behind her, causing the runes on the floor to illuminate.

"It's my own creation, although not flawless" Mira concluded, a smug expression playing on her face.

Their bewilderment was spot on, Ferno spoke softly, "Woah...that was cool..."

Mira trotted towards him, gracefully lowering herself to his eye level. A smile on her whimsy face,"Hm... Am I cool?"

Unexpectedly leaving everyone speechless, Ferno could only stammer, "..Huh...? w-what?"

She chuckles right after, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, rising to her feet, remarking, "Mhmm...nothing~"

Ferno slowly comprehended her lighthearted intention. An awkward smile tugged at the corners of his lips, "Um...o-okay..."

Mira stood in the middle of the circle she created, "Alright, once I successfully cast the spell... a portal should open right in front of me, and all of you can pass through!" but she turns to defeat.

"However...once you reach Ativert, I won't be able to communicate with you anymore...." she explained sounding defeated at the end.

Dhan furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

Mira nodded with a hint of apology. "I'm afraid it's quite impossible. I apologize..."

Leva, ever the optimist, tried to lift the mood. "It's alright, Mira. We'll manage just fine!"

Her face lights up with gratitude. "Thank you, Leva." She reached her bag and handed it to Dhan.

Curious, he fiddled with the bag. "What's inside?"

"Just a few things that are useless to me, but I'm sure you can make good use of them." Mira replied cheekily.

He then raised another question, " will we return?"

"Don't fret, dear friend. i will explain later~" She ends her explanation and walks to a wardrobe behind her.

Dhan raised an eyebrow, peering inside the bag as Leva joined him. Meanwhile, Ferno looked on, his attention caught by what mira had brought.

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