Chapter IV (4): Aftermath

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After the explosion, Dhan rushed over to Ferno's side, He was relieved to find that Ferno was still breathing, but unconscious. He could see that Ferno's body was covered in cuts and bruises from the fight, He quickly picked up Ferno's body and carried him.


Leva's heart pounded as she ran towards Astra, who was lying on the ground, bleeding.

"Astra! No...oh no...!," Leva muttered under her breath as she knelt beside her friend. She quickly assessed the situation and saw that Astra had a deep stab wound. "What do I do?" she muttered to herself, feeling overwhelmed.

Despite her fear, Leva knew that she had to act, she used her hands to apply pressure to the wound, but astra's breathing was shallow and ragged. "Stay with me, Astra," Leva pleaded, trying to keep her voice steady, "Come're okay...come on..." But Astra coughed blood as he tries to open his eyes, eventually she broke into tears.

"Just...hold on...please..." She continued to apply pressure to the wound, hoping that it would be enough, Dhan arrived, carrying Ferno in his arms as he stood there seeing Leva crying.

Then something strange began to happen, a soft blue light started to emanate from Leva's palms, spreading across Astra's wound. Leva gasped in surprise as she watched, She didn't know what was happening.

Everything was still and quiet. Then, suddenly, Astra's breathing became stronger and more regular. The bleeding slowed to a trickle.

"...Astra..? Are you...okay?" she whispered, voice laced with hope.

A confused dhan then asked, "You...healed him? Who...are you?"

As she looked up, Sounds of grunting passed their ears, they quickly turned back and were shocked, The boy in white slowly stood up, a cloud of dust and sand coiled around him, but the silhouette was seen, his back restoring itself at a visibly slow pace from the blast before.

"..H-How...he should've..." Dhan said in fear, unable to finish his sentence.

The boy looked around, then locked eyes with Dhan, slowly making his way towards him, his movements smooth and calculated. There was something unnerving about the way he moved.

"who are you..?" Dhan had asked.

The boy said nothing, but his eyes glinted at the sun, Dhan took a step forward, his fist clenched in anger.

"You...attacked us without provocation!" he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "What do you want from us!?"

He looks around again, seemingly ignoring Dhan's query, looking lost.

Dhan and Leva exchanged bewildered looks, unsure of what to do. the boy seemed more confused rather than the foe they once thought.

Leva stood up and spoke, "Do you...remember anything? you got here?" Her voice lace with curiosity and concern.

The boy's expression remained blank, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes, yet he spoke none.

Dhan's anger dissipated as he looked at the boy, "Well...seems to me you weren't in control of yourself a minute ago, what was that about?" he said and asked again, curiously.

The boy still refused to utter a word, one hand to his forehead.

The duo exchanged another concerned look, realizing just how lost this boy really was. They knew they had to help him, but they had no idea where to even begin.

Leva then starts, "...Is there anything we can call you by?" she approaches.

The question hung in the air, but he remained silent, his look unchanging.

"Um...Hello?" Leva waved her hand in front of his face, the boys' gaze followed the movement, his eyes tracing Leva's hand with curiosity.

As if he was seeing the world through fresh eyes, taking in every detail with a sense of wonder.

Dhan, now more intrigued than angry, took a step closer to the boy. "Hey, buddy, we're trying to communicate here. Can you even"

The boy simply stared towards him, and blinking.

"Maybe...he doesn't know our language?" Leva mused, looking unsure.

Dhan and Leva gave thoughtful glances again, before Dhan notices something as he was walking around the boy, at the back of his neck, "Uh..excuse me.."

He brushed his hair aside from his neck, revealing a tattoo of a letter "R" surrounded by intricate designs.

"R..?" Hoping to find some clue about the boy's identity. he asked the boy about it, but the boy still couldnt recall.

Dhan's attention was then drawn to the pod from which the boy had emerged. He recalled the engraved letters "E-X."

"Hmm...Maybe we can call you....'Rex'?" Dhan suggested, hoping to provide the boy with some identity.

The white-haired boy looked at Dhan, his expression hollow. "Rex?" he repeated, testing out the name.

The two gasped as he uttered his first word to them, "(He spoke?)" their thoughts the same.

Leva smiled. "Rex! i like it. Short and easy to remember!."

Dhan nodded in agreement. "It's a start, at least."

The boy remained silent for a moment, lost in contemplation. Befote lifting his eyes to meet Dhan and Leva's gaze.

Dhan continued, his tone gentle yet assertive. "If you understand or 'agree ' this." He demonstrated a simple gesture-a thumbs-up sign, universally recognized as a symbol of affirmation.

Leva mirrored Dhan's gesture, giving Rex an encouraging smile. "Like this, Rex. It means 'yes' or 'okay.' "

Rex observed their gestures intently, his eyes flickering with a newfound understanding. Slowly, he raised his hand and attempted to mimic their thumbs-up sign.

Their faces looks of delight, It was a small but significant breakthrough.

Dhan then shifted his tone slightly, adopting a more serious expression. "Now, if you 'disagree ' this." He shook his head, the gesture representing dissent or disagreement.

Rex observed their movements with unwavering focus, absorbing each nuance. "Yes, thats 'right ' " Leva nodded, and it seems Rex took notice of what she said. "It simply means 'No' " she spoke whilst shaking her head.

Comprehension sparked his eyes and he nodded with-his affirmation of understanding-an act that left both Dhan and Leva astounded.

"Did...did he just nod?" Dhan exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and admiration coloring his voice.

Leva beamed, her voice filled with pride. "You're doing so well!." She turns to Dhan, "We did it!" she said, joyfully. Dhan smiled softly.

Observing their faces, Rex couldnt quite grasps what they're 'feeling', not that he seemed to know what feelings seems to be.

Even after giving him a name, teaching him basic communication and giving him a warm welcome, they knew that there were still many unanswered questions about his past and how he ended up on Earth.

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