Chapter XIII (13): Trust (I)

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Walking along the bridge, Eleanor trailed Astra, who seemed as reluctant as ever, lost in his own thoughts, casting wary glances around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

While shadowing him, Eleanor mustered courage, eager to bridge the gap between them, especially with Astra's bewildered expression.

"Um... I hope you don't mind...may i ask something?" She ventured, attempting to shatter the tension enveloping them.

He glanced back, his response, "Sure?" seemed tentative, leaving Eleanor feeling a touch uncertain.

"The person you mentioned... the one you're searching for... can you describe them?" Her question held a mix of curiosity and caution.

His gaze met hers as he answered, "Oh, you know, hair white as snow, dead looking eyes, around my height although i'm still slightly taller. Definitely not the average dude"

Her steps involuntarily slowed at his description, curiosity piqued. "Um... 'Dude'?" she echoed in a puzzled tone, hinting at her unfamiliarity with the term.

As Eleanor faltered, Astra's lips tugged into a faint smile, sensing her confusion. "Yeah, sorry about that. 'Dude' just means a person, a guy, you know." Her eyes widened, "Oh...i see..."

He waved her off dismissively, his attention still on the surroundings, his gaze flitting between the trees and the houses they passed.

Then, in the distance, the walls of the kingdom from before came into Astra's view, gazing for moments in awe but that's about it, didn't ask Eleanor about anything.

With assurance, Eleanor took a step beside him, relinquishing her position behind. "You... d-don't look me as someone who frequents nature..." she observed, her smile carrying uncertainty.

Astra's response was succinct, "You'd be right. I don't."

Undeterred, she pursued the conversation, her curiosity uncontainable. "Is it...because you're from a distant kingdom, Somewhere quite different?"

Astra's brows furrowed at her assumption. "What? No, that's not it." As they neared the town's entrance, the surrounding was growing more tense.

Passersby, sitting or moving about, took notice of them, casting curious glances and exchanging hushed words.

Eleanor offered a nervous reassuring smile. "D-Don't worry.... You're just not exactly a common sight.."

He grunted in acknowledgment, his focus now on navigating through the attention they attracted. They head into town, as Eleanor begins speak again.

"Um... W-Welcome to Brookville. Truth be told, there isn't really much here" she explained, gracefully navigating through the people they passed.

Astra paused once more, taking in the everyday lives of the townsfolk. To him, their routines seemed incredibly traditional, almost like a step back in time.

He mused to himself, ("What do i do now... I'm basically stranded in nowhere.)"

Eleanor, noticing his quietness, spoke up softly, " always know, on your own?"

Glancing back at her, a hint of defensiveness in his tone, "Are you trying to say I dont have friends?"

Her words stumbled out, surprise and apology, "I-I...didn't mean to... I-I mean...I'm sorry..."

Astra sighed, the tension dissipating, "It's fine. I get that a lot." He then answered her earlier question, "Yeah, pretty much. People aren't thing."

Eleanor breathed a sigh of relief, nodding in agreement, "...i can understand that... Um...sometimes it's just easier with...Ah! what about...books and quiet places...?"

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