Chapter VIII (8): World beyond (I)

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He prepared himself for a battle against Drifon. Charging his energy, and lunged forward, unleashing a flurry of fast strikes towards his opponent.

Drifon was taken aback by Astra's unique unexpected power. A shocked expression appeared on his face as he dodges and weaves through Astra's attacks.

"(He wields lightning?)" Drifon's thoughts echoed.

As it went on, Astra knew he couldn't lay a finger on Drifon, his reflexes outmatch that of himself "(Damn...i need a plan...)" his thoughts echoed, planning a move.

Observing and analysing Drifon's movements, every subtle shift is key. noticing a pattern in Drifon's defensive maneuvers, a split-second vulnerability he could exploit.

With a burst of agility, Astra feigned a strike towards Drifon's left side, luring him into a defensive position.

Anticipating correctly, he swiftly changed his trajectory mid-attack, redirecting his strike towards the exposed right side.

Successfully landing a powerful strike, only to find it thwarted by Drifon, whose arm began emanating a crimson glow.

Astra, sensing impending danger, attempted to retreat, but the inevitable was already upon him.


A crimson explosion shattered the air, engulfing everything in its path. Astra was thrown far backwards, his body colliding with the remnants of the shattered house.

Pain rippled through his body, leaving him gasping for breath."Ackh...d-damn..." Groaning, the intensity of the pain searing through.

His body ached, bruises painting his skin like battle scars, "As I said before, mind your own business. why the arrogance?" Drifon sneered.

Struggling to get back on his feet, Astra stumbled again, still reeling from the blast.

Drifon sighed his persistence, his gaze fixed upon him, kneeling down, his hand coming to rest on Astra's head, "(W-What the...)" Astra's thoughts confused.

Doubt flickered across Drifon's face for a brief moment. "Hm, odd..." he murmured, standing upright again, a sense of departure lingering in his every movement as he dust off his robe.

"Well, kid, thank you for--" A sudden force from above sent Drifon crashing downward, a swift kick to his face. It was Rex, arriving just in time to turn the tables.

"Heh..." Astra chuckled in relief as Rex finally arrived.

Drawing Two blades from his back, Rex Assumes a poised combat stance while Drifon rises to his feet, rubbing his chin.

Cracking his neck and flexing his hand, He emitted a sigh of exasperation. Annoyance etches his face, directing his gaze towards Rex.

"You." uttering curtly, irritation in his tone. Rex maintains a stern and serious countenance, refusing to engage in verbal exchanges.

Rex charges forward quickly, closing in on Drifon, while drifon quickly sidesteps his attack, narrowly avoiding the sharp blades.

Acting fast, Drifon weaved intricate spells and summoning powerful magic. Speaking incantations with swift precision, manipulating the elements.

Waves of fire surge, and gusts of wind whip around, trying to throw Rex off balance and disrupt his advance.

Undeterred, Rex adapts quickly. finding a pattern to seize and turn the tides once again.

Launching an assault, seizing the moment, his blades finds their mark, connecting with Drifon's defenses.

Caught off guard, Drifon instinctively jumps backward, utilizing wind to create distance, a temporary breather.

However, Rex remains unyielding, swiftly regaining his footing, not losing sight.

Returning to Astra's side, his presence brings a renewed sense of hope. Astra, slowly recovering from the battle's toll.

"Huh...Nice moves." Astra praises, a glimmer of admiration.

"I assume you are not one for speech." Drifon taunts, attempting to rattle his opponent while retrieving a book concealed within his robe, opening it with a sly grin.

Extending his hand towards them, he conjures a mesmerizing runic symbol that glowed arcane power. Runes emerged below their feet. Reacting swiftly, Rex grabbed Astra's arm, leaping away to safety.

But with supernatural agility, Drifon hovers above them with an air of power. "Not so fast." Sneering, extending his hand and blasting them into the depths of the portal.


In the realm between worlds, weightless and untethered, they hurtle through a space, like a wormhole, at breakneck speed.

Trails of brilliant lights stream around and past them like celestial meteors, blurring into a breathtaking cosmic blur. Like passengers on a speeding train, hurtling towards an unknown destination.

"...Huh...where are-" Astra slowly opens his eyes and looks to his surroundings, before gasping,


Within this ethereal realm, Rex and Drifon continued the desperate struggle of strength, their opposing forces locked in a powerful clash.

Rex fights to break free from Drifon's iron grip. Astra, though close enough to witness the battle, remains frustratingly out of reach, unable to lend his aid.

Thinking quickly, Astra channels electricity into his arm. "Sorry about this, Rex..." With a sudden spark, he unleashes a bolt, jolting both captor and captive.

Eventually, Rex breaks free, "You--" Drifon's words hang in the air, interrupted by Rex's swift and forceful shove. Propelling himself forward, Rushing to Astra, clutching him tightly.

Colliding with the cascading wall of vibrant light streams, their bodies enveloped in ethereal energy. Leaving the realm travel, satisfaction creeps across Drifon's face, a smug smile curling his lips. "Interesting" he murmurs, his voice laced with dark amusement.


Appearing amidst a tempestuous, Darkened-black sky, They hurtled through the air in a freefall descent.

The winds whipping around, their bodies plummeting at unimaginable speeds. Astra's voice strained with trepidation, "Uh...what now!?" He said with fear.

As the ground rushes up to meet them, Rex's keen eyes catch sight of a sprawling forest below, its towering trees seemingly reaching the very heavens.

Rex observed around, but before he could speak, a blinding burst of lightning severs their connection, tearing them apart from each other in a blinding flash of energy.

Rex, in desperation, watches Astra pulled away, his body hurtling towards an unknown fate. A surge of helplessness engulfs him, all seemed lost.

Exhaling a weary sigh, Rex closes his eyes, surrendering to the impending collision with the ground.

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