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*Ishan's POV*

I felt the warmth of someone's body next to mine. I rubbed my eyes, taking in the faint sunlight that was entering inside the room I didn't recognize. A wave of panic ran through me.

"Where am I.. who- WHO ARE YOU, STAY AWAY."
I screamed, pushing away whoever was laying next to me.
I stood up suddenly, my whole head spinning causing me to sit back down.

The person next to me stirred a little, groaning in a deep voice.
"St-stay away... Please don't hurt me"
"Wh-who- oh, Ishan, you're up.... Are you feeling well?"
"Why am I here? What happened?"
"You don't remember anything?"
"N-no? What happened?"
I asked worriedly. Why was I here?
"Shubman... What happened?" I said, sliding a little away from him, not wanting any contact on my skin.

"Ishan.. You need to sit here calmly. Promise me you won't panic again or try to run away..." I simply nodded. "Yesterday around midnight, I heard a car honking crazily. I went to check what was happening, when I found a drunken man pressing a- a naked boy on the wall.. he bit and traced on his skin ruthlessly. I asked to stop, but he didn't. The boy was passed out, not even moving at the torture he went through.. I told him to leave the boy, but he didn't listen, letting the body fall onto the ground as if it was a raindrop, hitting the road headfirst, causing his head to bleed and a deep scar formed on his forehead.." He paused and I swallowed, noticing the bandage tied around my forehead. "..I then punched that man and slammed him face into the wall, causing him to bleed heavily, leaving him in the abandoned street... I covered the boy with my silk robe, bringing him to my room... I didn't touch you, I swear! All I did was wrap the robe around your body, to help you keep warm... It was all Virat bhai who tied up all the bandages. He's my cousin, and a doctor... I was supposed to leave this room, but I didn't even know when I fell asleep next to you, and -"

"Who are you, Shubman? And why did you bring me here?" I said, my tone hinting of hurt.
"Ishan I won't hurt y-" He said taking my hands in his, but I immediately pulled them back.

I looked him in the eye, filled with hurt now.
"I- I'm sorry " I said. "You helped me Shubman, you saved my life from god knows what Ry- He would have done. Thank you"
"It was nothing, Ishan... You can stay here for as long as you want"

The room went silent while my mind was filled with chaos and debating over whether I should accept the offer. Not wanting to hurt him any further, I agreed.

"Well, if you're ready to stay for some more time, why don't we start with introducing ourselves, without hiding anything?... I'm Shubman Gill, the owner of 'Moon and Sparkles'."
"OH..." I said, shocked. He must be really rich. Moon and Sparkles wasn't just any  cafe, it was famous, like really famous.
"That's pretty cool... I'm Ishan, Ishan Kishan. just a college student studying arts"
"Oh! Why don't you have a look at what I've made..."
He said, excited now. I looked over to the wall he pointed at, freezing from the beauty of the art.
"It's so beautiful, so thoughtful... May I try to interpret this?"
"Go ahead"
"The flowers represent the ups and downs of life. One comes, one goes. The colors signify a special purpose, a rainbow, they probably symbolize the LGBTQ community. And the black shoot shows the line of life.
A few leaves, or the amount of people and memories we make along the way, mostly temporary.... Isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is... But you forgot the most important part. The stem splitting into two, yet permanantly joined together, depicting the importance of love, your life partner, the forever constant. "

I looked back at him, his eyes shone differently, dimples showing.
"But what if that vine never joined with the other? What if it never happened?"
"Then you're staring at this drawing at the wrong time, with the wrong person... This is how life works, Ishan... All of us are destined to find someone who was made for us... Some accept them, while some, deny them, even after knowing it thoroughly"

"Why do you think so, Shubman?"
"I know it. I believe it. And I know I will find mine too, or I might have already."

I wanted to ask who, but I refrained myself from doing that. It would have been too personal.
"What about you, Ishan? Do you think you've found someone you are willing to love?"

"No, Shubman, I.. I haven't."
I lied. I wanted to say I can't, but I couldn't because this time saying "I can't" would have been a bigger lie. My body refused to say I can't, as if I can... But I can't, can I?


"Hey, um, what would you like for breakfast today?"
"It's alright, I'll have whatever you want" I replied. I was already a burden to him, don't want to be more.
"Hmm, did you like the waffles that day?"
"Uh, yeah?"

To be honest, I didn't want to eat anything, but I couldn't say no to the Shubman who looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I could see the whole Milky way galaxy in them.


"Here, you can choose whatever ice-cream you want with them, chocolate or vanilla"
"Which one do you think I should choose?"
"Why don't we try a mix of them?"
"I guess.."

He placed the scoops of ice cream above the waffle and held a serving in his spoon.
"Here, Ishan, try this.. open your mouth"
He said bringing the spoon close to my mouth. Left no choice, I did as told and the cold ice-cream and a warm waffle came in contact with my tongue. I didn't even think twice before letting the spoon linger there for a moment, then licking it clean with my lips, letting out a hum of approval.

"How was it?"

The taste of the waffle was extraordinary, but when I swallowed it, it was like a huge weight. I can't do this, this was wrong, all I'd end up with will be hurt, again.


*Shubman's POV*

As soon as I asked the question, his eyes became distant, as if he had zoned out. His hands were trembling and he kept repeating no no no.

"Ishan what's wrong?"
No answer, just more shivering.
"Shubman, I'm sorry, I can't"

He said, exiting the room. I didn't follow him, I didn't know if he was going to leave or just stay with me for some more time. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable around me.
I wanted to just help him a little, not out of pitty, but out of something I've been feeling growing inside of me everytime I look at him.

I kept the plate in the refrigerator of my room, not wanting the ice-cream to melt, incase he wanted to have it again.

About five minutes later, I went outside, to check upon him. I went towards the guest room, kitchen and even the common bathroom. No signs of Ishan.
I then stepped towards the living room, where I saw him curled up on the sofa, crying silently. 

"Ishan? Hey, it's alright, it's just me... You don't have to eat if you don't want to, I won't force you, I promise. You can just tell me whatever you feel like and I'd not ask you twice. I promise."
I said, bringing him closer to me. I hugged him lightly, not wanting to hurt any of the bruises he had around his torso.

I felt his hands tighten around me, his tears being soaked by my shirt.
"It's okay, Ishan, I'll make it okay"

*Ishan's POV*

Any other day, I would have pulled away from the contact, but with Shubman it felt different. He hugged me close, his hands still on my back.
I gripped him tighter, fisting the cloth of his shirt, as if leaving his embrace would make me fall again, into an infinite depth of darkness and I'd never be able to get out again.

"Shubman, please don't let me go" I whispered through the tears, falling asleep almost immediately.
The part that usually tells me to leave was telling me to stay for a while more this time. Stay with Shubman.


'If loving you was effortless, my dear, these tears would be nonexistent.'


Will love turn soft for Ishan and Shubman?
Keep reading to find out<3

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