Henry watched as the platform ascended up, and Nia's silhouette grew further and further away until it vanished into the light above. And then the sky closed with Nia on the other side, finally free of the Eternal Abyss.

Roughly 19 Years Ago

It was another training session that included all three siblings. After practising with the wooden dummies, they took turns in showcasing their improvements by sparring against their mother. Being the oldest, Osmond was first, and then followed by Alfreda. However when it came to Cori's turn, Alfreda was surprised that she was to be her sister's opponent and not their mother. Was this because of how dreadful Cori was? thought Alfreda, that their mother could not even bother to raise her spear against her? 

After a bit of reluctance, Alfreda stepped down to the centre when ordered by Queen Consort Henrietta and readied herself.

"Do try this time, little Cori," Alfreda cooed to her younger sister. "I want to actually learn something from this fight. It was barely a warm-up last time."

Cori nodded. "I will try."

Alfreda cocked her head, noticing a new and strange sense of confidence and resolve in her younger sister instead of the usual shaking and trembling fear. She tuttered. "Don't be arrogant now. Realise your own level of skill before you be so cocky."

"Okay!" said Cori, which only annoyed Alfreda all the more. She took in a deep breath, and concentrated her mind on the task at hand, just like Corinna advised, and not instead on the prediction of pain that she would soon endure.

"Begin!" Queen Henrietta called.

Cori lunged forwards as soon as she heard those words and her sword slashed at Alfreda's armoured chest.

Alfreda stumbled back, almost shrieking from the sudden and unexpected attack. Her sister had never struck first, never.

With a newfound confidence, the little princess continued the attack even when Alfreda tried to recuperate. Her sword hacked at the armour, and then hit Alfreda's mask with the blunt end of the hilt, the force knocking Alfreda to the floor.

She did it. Cori let out a shaking breath. She beat someone, or at least knocked them down. She had never done that before. Her fear always controlled her, but here she was standing victorious and with no tears in her eyes.

Corinna was right, all she had to do was focus and ignore everything else. It was like no pain, no fear, no emotion existed as if she was a mindless creature swinging her sword. She looked to Queen Henrietta, wondering if perhaps she had finally made her mother proud, but no one could tell what that woman was thinking with that golden mask covering her face.

From on the floor, Alfreda glanced over to her mother also and saw that Osmond appeared to be whispering something to her, but the queen remained silent. They're laughing at me, aren't they? Getting beaten by a twelve year old.

"I told you not to be so arrogant!" Alfreda spat. She stood up, her body shaking, either from adrenaline or maybe even fear, Cori thought.

Princess Cori prepared herself to defend but she was too slow as Alfreda rushed forwards raising her sword, and slashing it down, leaving a sizable scratch on Cori's armour.

Cori stepped back, steadying herself. She used to fall and collapse into tears from such a minor attack, but not anymore. No, she won't be so weak and pathetic again. The pain and the fear was pushed far back from her mind and she blocked the next oncoming attack, and the next one, and the-

Alfreda screamed like a wild beast as she kicked Cori in the chest and dropped her sword, the sparring match moving to an all-out fist brawl instead. Alfreda scratched at her and pulled at her hair, punching her mask and kicking her.

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