v. except you

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Mingyu and I continued to roam around the exhibition hall, but I couldn't take my mind off Jungkook. He's currently at my place, and I don't know why I felt the need to leave and go home. To him.

"Congratulations, Y/N!" Mingyu said as he looked at me with a huge grin on his face.

I smiled shyly and looked around the exhibition hall before looking back to him.

"Thank you, I can't believe that I'm standing here, in front of these huge portraits of my third exhibition." I said.

We fell in a deep silence, and my thoughts were louder than ever. I breathed heavily and looked at Mingyu again.

"Let's go?" I asked, and he nodded his head.

"Shall we go and eat dinner?" He asked, and I pursed my lip.

Jungkook is at my place, and my mind is bugging me so much. I need to go home.

"Thank you for the invite, Mingyu, but I need to go home, since I have to prepare too for tomorrow." I said, and he nodded his head.

"Of course, let me know when you're free." He said, and I thanked him softly.

I said goodbye to staff hall staff and walked outside of the exhibition venue with Mingyu. His manager was still waiting, and his car was on standby on the gallery entrance.

"Thank you for coming, Mingyu. I'll treat you out after this." I said and bowed at him. Mingyu had a big smile on his face and nodded his head.

"I'll count on that treat, Y/N." He said, "I'll drop again tomorrow, but only if my schedule wraps up early." He said, and I hummed.

"No worries, it will be open for two weeks. You still have plenty of time to visit." I said and bowed once again when he finally said goodbye.

I watched his car drive away before I grabbed my phone and message Jungkook that I would be home in a bit.

I decided to get some ice cream before heading home. When I reached home, Jungkook's car was there. I looked up and saw the lights were on. I swallowed lightly and gathered my things, and headed upstairs.

I was just about to ring the doorbell, but the door opened, and my breath hitched seeing Jungkook's smile.

"Hi.." I greeted, almost breathless.

Jungkook chuckled, and he took the folders and my bag from my hand and opened the door wider. I raised my eyebrows at him before going inside.

My nostrils were met by the delicious smell, and I immediately realized that I was starving.

"You cooked?" I asked as we walked back inside and headed towards the kitchen together. I put my bag on the counter and sat on the stool as Jungkook went back to check the casserole.

"Yeah, been a while since the last time I cooked," He said, and I hummed.

He was wearing a basic white tee. His tattooed arm was exposed to me, his hair is a bit long now, his bare face, the lip ring is there, and my heart is racing from just looking at him like this.

He looks so damn good, and it hurts that I am just allowed to admire him from a far.

"You good?" Jungkook asked, I pursed my lips when I noticed that he was looking at me now with his eyebrow raised at me.

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