iii. maybe i haven't tried

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I sat with Jungkook and Mingyu. I felt relieved that I'm with them right now.

"Wonwoo was supposed to be here, but he left with Cheol." Mingyu said, with a soft smile on his face.

I laughed softly as Mingyu showed me the video they did. It was for Jungkook's song- Seven. We ate pork belly and beef with a couple of bottles of Soju.

Mingyu stood up and excused himself.

I was left alone with Jungkook, and he was leaning against the table while looking at me.

"I've missed you." He said, and I smiled.

I did, too, Jungkook. More than you'll ever know.

"You miss me, but you don't even text me, huh?" I teased playfully, and he pouted. My heart aches at how adorable he looks, and here I am hopelessly wishing again for him to notice me.

"I was just busy," He said, and I grinned.

"I know, I'm just messing with you, Jeon." I said. I looked at him straight through the eyes, without blinking, and hope that he would come through.

"I missed you too, Jungkook." I said slowly, "I really did." I added quietly, and Jungkook pursed his lips. I leaned against the table, and Jungkook did the same.

I wish I could tell him what I really feel without feeling scared of losing him without the fear of having everything taken away from me. Without feeling scared that everything will change between us.

"I know that I haven't been around lately, Y/N, but you know that you will always, and always be my favourite girl, right?" He said, and I couldn't help but smile at what he said even if bitterness starts filling up my system.

"I know." I said hoarsely.

Before Jungkook could say anything, Mingyu came back with a smile on his face, and I couldn't help but notice his features.

Mingyu looks undeniably handsome, like what the hell on earth happened in 1997 that Jungkook, Mingyu, and Eunwoo was born, and every 97 liner idols.

"I really wish I could hang out with you guys more, but I have to go first." Mingyu started before looking at me. He laid his phone in front of me and smiled genuinely.

"I want to hang out with you more often, Y/N. So if I could please have your number?" Mingyu said sincerely, and I feel my cheeks heating up, and in the corner of my eye, I could see Jungkook smirking at his friend.

I swallowed hard at my sudden realization, but I tried shaking off my thoughts by taking Mingyu's phone and dialling my number before giving it back to him.

He stood up and went to say goodbye at Jungkook.

When Mingyu exits the door, Jungkook moved to sit on my side, and he leaned his head against my shoulder.

"Mingyu told me that he wants to meet you," Jungkook slowly said, and I hummed.

"He wants to meet me, or you want him to meet me?" I asked with my eyebrow slightly raised. Jungkook looked at me.

"In my defense, I want you to meet someone, and Mingyu wanted to meet you as well." He said and I playfully rolled my eyes.

Jungkook laid his hand in front of me and I placed my hand on top of his, his hand immediately engulfed mine. I looked at the tattoos on his hand and gently traced it with my finger. I wish I could hold his hand like this forever.

"How are you and Jia?" I asked, and he let out a deep and heavy sigh.

"I'm still trying to make things work, I mean I just couldn't let it all go to nothing because of a simple misunderstanding." Jungkook said and my heart aches at what I heard from him.

I squeezed his hand and look at him, he had a cute little pout on his face, and who wouldn't want to give their everything to Jungkook when he looks like this?

Even with a lump on my throat, I did my best to cheer him up. "It'll be okay soon, Jungkook."

We decided to go home at 1 A.M, Jungkook accompanied me home, his car was trailing behind me and I watched him sped up with a loud honk after parking my car.

Maybe I should really try. I should try getting over him.

I locked the gate and I placed my bag on the coffee table in my garden and laid on the grass, I look at the twinkling stars above me. They're like Jungkook's eyes, his eyes hold a whole galaxy in them.

I laughed at my own thoughts, I laughed and laughed until I realize that I'm not laughing anymore but crying, hot tears cascades down my face as my heart aches because of the unsaid feelings.

I'm pining so hard and I don't know what to do.

"You're better than this, Y/N." I said as tears blurred out my vision and for the nth time, I cried my eyes out. God knows how long I've been crying when things gets too much, when my feelings are getting the best of me.

And I always end up wishing and hoping that he'd look at me the way I look at him.

He's fixing things with Jia and I can see how much he loves her, and I will just be someone whose Jungkook will give enough attention when he wants to, when it's right for him, when he needed to, and that attention is enough to keep my hopes too high.

She got him in her arms, and I will always be in the wings.

Jungkook will always receive my longing stares.

I wiped the tears off my face. I always think I'm a fast learner but with this situation? I'm a complete fool, the foolish one.

I always choose to ignore the voices in my head saying "You are not the exception" and I will never learn my lesson. Clearly I haven't, because I will always go back to him.

I guess I won't ever mind crisping up on his backburner.

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