Chapter Forty-One: Observation

Start from the beginning

"Do you have any idea what may have caused this change?" Nurse Blainey asked.

"No," Ominis said instantly.

"We were studying and then all of a sudden he was grabbing his head," Anne explained to the nurse.

"He looked like he was in immense pain," Sebastian added.

"Like someone lit a fire in my eye sockets," Ominis explained as the nurse began to run a diagnostic spell on his head. The humming sound from the spell was already threatening his patience, and between that, his eyesight, the residual pain he felt, and the many questions everyone seemed intent on asking him, Ominis was quickly becoming overwhelmed and anxious.

So much was going on at once that he couldn't make any sense of, and all Ominis wanted to do was lay in bed, close his eyes, and wrap his arms around Sabrina as she lulled them both to sleep.


Ominis had momentarily forgotten about her. It was no wonder his anxiety was rising. He carefully opened his eyes, trying not to be surprised when he saw his knees in front of him, and lifted his face.

Both Sallow twins were staring at him with looks of concern. No one had ever told Ominis how similar Sebastian and Anne looked with their matching wavy dark colored hair and faces full of specks Ominis assumed were freckles. Their eyes were also the same mix of colors, but Ominis had no clue how to put that into words yet.

Despite the similar features, Anne and Sebastian still looked different. Ominis hadn't known what to expect, really. Sebastian was bigger than Ominis expected, taller and more broadly built even under his uniform, and his face was not as sharp as he had imagined. Anne, on the other hand, was slightly shorter and skinnier than her brother, having more roundness in her frame but a slight sharpness in her cheeks. But they still looked like what Ominis thought the Sallows would be like, even if he didn't know how to describe it.

Sabrina, on the other hand, was a completely different story. She was shorter than both Anne and Sebastian, and her features looked... softer, for lack of a better word Ominis could find. Her hair color was similar to the Sallows, making Ominis deduce that was what brown looked like. And her skin... lighter than the twins, unblemished, pale.

But her eyes.... They were darker than both Anne and Sebastians' eye color, almost the same color as her hair but with a hint of light in them.

"Josephine used to tell me they reminded her of chocolate."

The memory rang in his ears as Ominis could finally understand what Sabrina had meant up in the Astronomy Tower so long ago.

Merlin, this must be what angels look like.

Sabrina's face was just as concerned as everyone else, but something about her seemed different. Her eyes had never left Ominis during his exam, and when she saw him staring back at her she gasped slightly and looked down. He saw her shiver under her school clothes, and then Ominis understood what that wide-eyed stare really meant.

She was just as nervous and scared as he was.

Scared of what, Ominis didn't know. But he saw how tense and withdrawn she was as she stood a few steps away from everyone else. She seemed unsure and hesitant, like she was afraid of getting in the way.

But Ominis felt his fingers begin to itch and his arms as they ached. He needed to feel that familiar warmth under his touch, in his hold, telling him that it would be okay.

His shaking voice finally came out. "Sabrina...."

She took a deep breath and looked up at him.

"Please, come here my dear."

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