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𝐈 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 for what felt like days waiting for the pain cuffed between Rachel's fingers to zip across the sheet of paper in her hand. She's been staring at it for hours, literally hours. She was sobbing to herself and even spoke to her mom at one point-as if I wasn't in the room with her.

Rachel sighed a breath, wiping away her tears yet again. I checked the time on my phone and sighed. I'm getting more and more impatient. However I don't want to provoke her to another pending session.

All she has to do is jot her name on the line right across from mine.

"Rachel I've got places to be."

"Could you not rush me Axel?!" She snaps.

"I've been waiting for five hours Rachel. I have places to be."

She scoffs, sniffling. "Fine. Since you want to leave me so badly." Rachel broke into a sob and finally I heard the scribbling of pen on paper. I could have celebrated. She stood to her feet and walked up to me, smacking it against my chest.

"I hope you're happy with this." She sneers. I held the paper and carefully folded it.

"I am."

She slapped me. "Fuck you. You're done, Axel. You hear me? I'm going to make sure you never get a property here in Rage Town again!" She screams. Tears fell from her eyes but she quickly wiped them away.

I shook my head. "You have half of my money Rachel, you and Mr.Yawkings could keep my business because I don't care anymore. I'll make new foundation elsewhere. As for Mayor...I'm still thinking about whether or not I want to run for that miserable spot. And you could keep the ring. And the house."

I walked out of the room feeling satisfied. I reached my car shortly with a smile on my face. Finally I'm free. No more Rachel.

I called Rose and she picked up on the second ring.

"It's done."

"Congratulations. How does freedom feel?"


A grin. "I could see the headlines from here."

"It no longer matters what Rage Town thinks. But, I am going to see her dad and have a talk."

"How do you think that'll go?"

"Terrible. But I'm only putting my foot down. I can't continue to live in incompletion. You know?"

"Whatever makes you happy, Axel, go for it. Do what you want to do."

"I'm already doing what I want, Rose, thanks to you."

"I'll see you later, handle yourself."



I hung up and set my phone in the passenger seat. I exhaled heavily and found myself smiling. If someone were to have came to me ten years ago and tell me I'd fall for someone else I would've laughed in their faces.

An hour later I reached the mayor's office. I parked my car and got out, walking up the twenty steps to get to the front double doors. Hopefully he was here and not home to his mansion listening to a crying Rachel.

I skipped up the few steps and knocked. I waited and of course the door opened two seconds later to reveal an older woman with thinning black hair.

She stepped to the side as if she was expecting me. I walked in with little to no assistance and headed straight to his mansion. I glanced behind me and there was no sign of the woman.

I reached his office door shortly and it was closed. I could however, hear him on the other side shouting to someone.

I didn't care to knock. I opened the door and just as I did he paused his actions. His eyes landed on me and a stern frown met his features.

He hung up his phone, setting it to the table.

"Son, what the hell is this? Huh? You're just going to get rid of the people that built you up?" I knew he wanted to scream. The red in his face it pretty obvious that he wanted too.

"That's the thing Mr.Yawkings...I'm done. I don't want your "help" anymore. I don't need a wife constantly down my neck about the things she can't get out of me. I don't want a wife that doesn't want kids, or is too obsessed and selfish. I don't want a wife that hits her husband when she doesn't get her way. And if you were anything of a father, you wouldn't force me to take over mayor duty."

His face got redder and redder.

"Now, she signed the papers, we are no longer married and I am no longer apart of this family. I don't need she's got half of my money, the house, the ring, and even the company. From here on out, I'm not apart of anything with Yawkings written all over it. That's all I came here to inform."

"We should have left you where we found you." He grits. I shrugged my shoulders.

"You really should've. And you are yet to say, "you're welcome", after my many praise of thanks towards you. But keep it since you were probably never going to say those words." I spun on my heel to leave but stopped. I gave him one last look. "Also, you better be careful what you do. I might come after your spot at mayor."

I walked out, slamming the door behind me. And then...an absolute meltdown. I heard cussing, screaming, the breaking of things. I couldn't feel more satisfied. As for Rose and I, we're together. Finally we're together.

That did remind me of something though. When I got to my car I called her again. This time she answered on the fifth or sixth ring.


"This means we're together now. I know I'm a bit old to say this but, boyfriend and girlfriend. Unless you want to jump straight into marriage I can do that too."

She laughs. "As much as I want to get married and grow a family with a husband, let's get to do things together more."

"Didn't we?"

"Yeah, but that was as work partners. A boss and an assistant, that's what we were. But now that Rachel is out of the picture, we need to get use to walking among people hand in hand, or going to dinners more openly and stuff like that."

"Anything for you Rose. Anything for you. Wherever you want to go, whatever it is you want or want to do, you let me know and I'll make sure to make your dreams come true. Okay?"

"Same here, Mr.Pone."

I smiled. "You didn't deny being together."

"Why would I? The damage is already done isn't it?" I could almost see her devious smile from here.

"I'm on my way back."

"Hm. I'll be waiting."

That's what I'm talking bout. Stand on business Axel!!!

𝑴𝒚 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now