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I wasn't going to come back again. She thought it would never come to pass. Of course, except in case you need to buy a lottery ticket, there was another sign in front of the lottery room next to the information board that stood last time.

'The place where the 2nd prize winner of Lotto xxx came from.'

'This is where the 2nd prize winner of the xxx lottery also came from.'

.......Should I live too? It was tempting. I wanted to buy more because I didn't know who owned the lottery room. However, there was a master inside who could even resist the temptation of money.

"I knew you'd come again."

Stop. I narrowed my eyes. Then, what happened with Woo Min-jae was not a coincidence...

"Are you going to buy a lottery ticket?"

"......I'm not buying it."

"Hmm. I know for sure that you won't be lucky in the lottery with that head."

"What's wrong with my head? And why are you trying to sell me a lottery ticket when I'm unlucky?"

"Then you do business by picking people?"



"I think you've gained weight."

Wiggle. There was a small twitch in the lady's eyebrows. As expected, this always works regardless of age or gender. I should never gain weight. I made a promise and sat down opposite her aunt.

"Why did you come?"

It was difficult for me to speak right away, so I looked around the narrow store for a moment. The lady managed to wait for me to calm down and then she said something.

"I told you in advance."

As she turned her eyes, the woman who made eye contact with me spoke after her.

"Your sense is right."

"You don't know what I'm going to say."

"Even if I don't know, I know what I know."

This is a fart. I was impressed though. Soon I told him the purpose of my coming here. Without mentioning Woo Min-jae's name, he briefly explained and asked about the good and bad luck that had happened to the person he liked.

"It's definitely not related to me, right? I'm not really giving that person both good luck and bad luck, right?"

"What is your sense?"

"I don't know. I think it's because I'm anxious because of the coincidence. On the other hand, I don't think so. My feelings that the boss is talking about are definitely not one-sided."

She took her gaze away for a moment and looked out her window. Although she seemed to be thinking. She then answered lightly.

"It was a mixture of coincidence and fate."


"It is clear that coincidence is a factor that determines the direction of life. However, it can easily pass by or change the direction of life completely. You and that person. Like a coincidence that happened to you two. Your coincidence has now passed into fate. "

"What does that mean?"

"Literally. It's fate. You can't call it a coincidence anymore."

I looked at her for a moment, speechless.

"Why on earth did this happen? Because I'm a tiger again? This doesn't make sense. If that bastard was a tiger, he would have been a tiger, not someone who would lose to me with energy."

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