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It was a weekend evening and the restaurant's tables were only half full. Because this store was located so far inside the downtown area, most of the people who came were regulars. I was also one of the regulars. The reason is that the snacks were delicious, but one of the ingredients was very fresh and good. Pepper.

"President Kwon. It's been a while."

I was greeted by a grateful regular customer who had been buying from me since I first opened the store. After all, life is all about mutual help. If you're a regular, it's natural for me to be a regular too. Moreover, just by looking at the pepper alone, it was clear that the food was made with ingredients that you can trust and eat. After placing his order, Woo Min-jae looked around the store and asked.

"Are you your guest?"

"Yes. When I first opened my store, he came to me on the first day and bought things for me. In the beginning, when I had very little sales and was having a hard time finding a business, this person became my first regular customer. I can't tell you how grateful I was to the point of tears."

"I guess you must have had a favorite restaurant that you used to go to before?"

"There was none. The owner here also opened the store for the first time at that time."

When the two met, they shared their anxieties, expectations, and worries about their first business venture. So I hope this place continues to be in business. Fortunately, after struggling with fluctuating sales for a year, it is said that sales have been evening out every month recently.

"The boss is very smart. He has studied abroad and lectured at universities. He said he never dreamed he would cook after 40. He always liked it, but it was just a hobby and he never thought it would become a full-time job. ."

"Why did you quit what you were doing?"

"He said he was betrayed by becoming a full professor and felt disillusioned with people. I guess there are a lot of problems there too."

Woo Min-jae listened to me while looking at the owner cooking behind the bar table.

"You really don't know what happens to people. My mom said that when she got married to my dad, everyone around her envied her and said she would live a good life. But then her husband cheated on her and left home, and her son only got into accidents outside, and there was no money, so from morning to night. Until then, she worked at a supermarket. Everyone pitied the pretty girl who used to work at a bank and did well, asking why she ended up like this. But now, no one is laughing at her. On the contrary, everyone is jealous. She found a new husband who only cares for her. My son came to his senses and started making money. "Let's make some money. Mom says the only thing to worry about is where we're going on our next trip."

As if I was already drunk from the one glass of liquor, my story came out slowly. Now that I'm talking about it, I'm so jealous of that woman.

She said, "Her mother will be comfortable because you are a dutiful son."

Be a dutiful child. It was an uncomfortable word. I deliberately avoided eye contact and changed the subject.

"Your life will change too."

I guess I was really drunk. Woo Min-jae is much better than me in terms of money and social status, so you can say this. Still, I wanted to tell you.

"It may be painful now, but 10 or 20 years from now, you will be someone that everyone else envies."

"I never said I was in pain right now."

"You're not smiling."

Grilled skewers and two bottles of soju were served. It looks like the altang is still being boiled. There is nothing better than drinking a cold drink and eating a spoonful of hot soup.

Half Of MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora