26: Extra

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<Half of a memory>

The first thing Taek-in did when she woke up was to be held by her crying mother and taken to the hospital for a check-up. I was hospitalized for 2 days and 1 night, received a detailed diagnosis, and the results showed that I no longer had problems sleeping. Mom, who thought she had no more tears left to cry, cried again. Taek-in couldn't stop her mother. She was so confused about what had happened to her that it was hard to recall her memories.

He clearly has no memory of himself, and his last memory is jumping in front of a car in a state of insanity after seeing his friend being kidnapped by the class president. But when I woke up, I realized that more than a month had passed since then. And I also went on vacation. Of course, she says she went to school just fine. And the most surprising thing is:

"The report card came out?"

It was this person. A very, very handsome older brother who lives upstairs. The person whose looks made me realize that people can shine became close friends with me. His hands were shaking. My heart also trembled. He couldn't make eye contact. Contrary to his appearance, Jangni Hee-chan, a handsome man, spoke harshly and was rough in his actions. But it all looked cool and cool in Taekin's eyes. It wouldn't matter if his personality was dull and petty. He made friends with someone he admired, so what more could he need? However, there was a part of his behavior that I did not understand. Like showing excessive interest in one's report card like now.

"The score...what is the score?"

Taek-in lowered his head with a dark face. I was embarrassed to have to talk about my grades like this in front of him.

"It's shit."


"I don't know what happened while I don't remember. How I got this ridiculous score..."

"Hey. Shut up, what about English? What's your English score? You know English isn't shit, right?"

"English isn't shit, but it doesn't really..."

"What score is it?"

English? Taek-in compiled his report card and checked it again. What was your English score?... Oh, here it is. This is the best score.

"78 points."


"I've never gotten below 80 points in English... huh?"

Suddenly, Heechan's hand flew down like an eagle and snatched away his report card. He checked his report card with wide eyes and his eyes trembled.

"7, 78 points........78 points.......78 points!"

Why do you do that? Is there some bad trauma behind the score of 78? When I was worried, the other person shouted.

"It's over 70 points! It's ridiculous! I..."

I? When Taek-in was surprised, Hee-chan hesitated and changed his words.

"I'm so proud of you because you achieved a miracle of over 70 points, man."

I patted him on the shoulder, but he never took his eyes off the report card. Taek-in was thankful for him. Maybe my scores were all the way down, but it seemed like they were trying to praise me in a harsh way for my good English skills. Even though his mouth is harsh, if you listen to his mother, she says that she picked him up whenever he fell and helped him a lot along with teacher Jecheop. Physical education teacher. Taekin's face blushed as he remembered another object of his admiration. Then he heard Hee-chan's faint murmur.

"The total score has never exceeded 78 points..."



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