Chapter 13: Moving out of town.

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  The humid air became colder as time passed by while Milani and Lenora sat down on the garden chair as they looked up at the stars.

  The night was peaceful and young, and the crickets didn't forget to sing their Melody. Resting in Milani's arms, Lenora found more comfort in Milani than in Blade.

  Though she had eaten, she found the stars and the quiet night more filling and fulfilling. Milani's continual pats that were more gentle than tides on the feet continually reassured Lenora that she was in safe hands. She had slept all day to rest her aching head.

Having her in her arms like this, made Milani feel safe too. The fact that a little girl put her little trust in her care was more comforting than ever. Her soft hair like that of a baby grew more curly toward the down of her hair. Her heart tingled with rhythm that she couldn't understand. Beautiful rhythms she couldn't put in place

All she knew was that she couldn't trade this moment for the world. Satisfying and peaceful. That's how she had always wanted her life to be.

  Blade walked out, sitting on a cut down log of wood that served as a chair as he took a few clothing from a very old bag.
"What are you doing?" Milani asked, gently patting Lenora as she drifted off to sleep.

"Looking for outfits for the little girl so it would be easy for her to stay hidden" He replied.

"Does she need to? We can hide her at any corner of the house-"

"We're moving before dawn!" He announced more authoritatively, interrupting her rather rudely.

Milani was speechless for a moment. She didn't know if she should be offended that he was bossing her around or she should be happy that he finally trusted her enough to take her on his journey.

"So you've finally trusted me enough to allow me tag along on your journe-"

"I was talking about Lenora and I. Whatever you do and wherever you go is your business" He replied rudely again.

"Can you stop being unnecessarily rude? Can't you let me finish my sentence before you reply?" She was clearly offended.

"Your reply wasn't actually needed" He slammed her again, before rising on his feet, taking the bag with him as he headed inside but her hand stopped him.

  "I understand that we might not be on good terms and we might not be the best of friends but being a little polite would hurt, you know" She tried to state out her mind.

  "We were friends?" Blade asked in confusion.

She sighed and let go of his hand. Rising to her feet and making sure Lenora's head was gently laid on the chair, she turned towards the gate.

A pang of guilt swept through his chest, noticing that she was taking her leave already. He didn't mean to be rude he was just stating his mind honestly. He had never had any cause to filter his words and now it kinda slaps to hear that his way of talking was rude.

When he couldn't bear her leaving anymore, as she was already at the little gates that was just reaching the knee of a person who was 157cm tall.

  "I'm..." He trailed off, trying to put his words in the right way, making her stop in her tracks, she turned back to look at him.

"I wasn't being rude. I was just" He stated.

"I know. Being the best of the Black Robes has it's toll on one's mentality" She responded.

A wave of awkward silence swept across the both of them, before she turned towards the gate.

"Since you already know, why are you leaving?" He asked her.

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