Chapter 11: The scary men

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   It was 6:16 am already and the meat broth she had prepared with boiled rice and salad was thoroughly cooked. The rain was still pouring outside with the wind so strong, it could have slammed the door shut if her leg wasn't on the way.

The two kerosene lanterns and the fire torch she placed on the wall of the kitchen, gave life to the room. The room was moist like a cave that had river as its tiles and the smell of the broth filled up the kitchen.

  Blade was fast asleep once again as he was just too weak to even keep his eyes open for even a short while.

It had the Aura of a home, the only thing accompanying her as she cooked was the heavy sound of the rain and the little rumbling sound her soup was making as the broth was boiling.

  As her ears had been trained to pick up every little sound just like every other assassin was trained, she heard those almost silent little footsteps run down the stairs as the sound of the rain had almost silenced it.

She was already dishing the broth when Lenora ran up to her, with a big smile on her cheeks and before she realized, those tiny arms were already wrapped round one of her legs so tight, she feared she would never let go.

"Hey sweetie. Good morning to you too" Milani sang in such a sweet voice, even though she couldn't hug back because of the dishes in her hand.

  Lenora still didn't let go. It was as though the world would come crashing down if she did.

  "What's going on, Sweetie?" Milani asked, dropping the dishes on the cover of the pots, hoping they wouldn't fall off and pour away, while she squatted to find out what was wrong with Lenora. The hug definitely meant so much more.

She literally peeled Lenora off her just to look her in the face and find out what was wrong.

"Are you fine, baby?" Milani asked her, noticing the tears that ran down her cheeks.

"He's scary" She sobbed, using the back of her hand to clean off her tears.

"Who's scary?" Milani asked, still trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Daddy" Lenora responded.

Milani gave a comforting smile before hugging the little girl much tighter, "He's not so scary. He's just a grumpy old man" She comforted the little girl.

"He had a poosh poosh" lenora tried explaining her fears.

"A what?" No, Milani didn't get that.

"A poosh poosh" Lenora repeated, disbanding from the hug, trying to demonstrate it this time by sticking out her middle and index finger together in the shape of a gun.

"A gun?...Oh my goodness" Milani laughed before hugging her back.

"He can't harm you baby, not as long as I'm here" She assured her.

What interrupted the lovely session was the clanging of the metal pot cover, and like a reflex, she caught the two dishes effortlessly in her hands before they poured to the floor.

"Time for breakfast, Sweetie" Milani sang, giving a little wiggle before leading her to the table, dropping the dishes on the table in front of her.

Lenora said a little prayer before digging into the meals while Milani gathered the refuse because it was beginning to smell like rotten meat.

  As soon as she got aside, she had to run under the rain across the not so large compound to put the refuse right where it should be. That little run in the rain she had, already had her soaked by the rain.

  Looking up from where she stood, she could see right under the rain, men in Long coats and fedora hats. They were seven in number. The color of their coats differentiated them. Four in brown coats, two in Red and one Elderly man whose silver beards distinguished him from the rest.

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