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  Standing right before the people of the nation who voted him in, flashes everywhere, cameras in every possible corner even on buttons, everyone was seated in front of their television nationwide to hear the speech of the president as regarding the national crisis everyone was going through. The President, a Middle aged man in his 50s, whose confidence was oozing through his well packaged body, and a smile to crown it off, he looked quite glad to address his people for the first time, to thank them for their confidence in him and his plans on how to save the nation from this national dilemma.

In a big conference room that was a little choked up despite the Air conditioning,  seeming like everyone was breathing in each other's carbon dioxide, it still didn't deter them to take a break. The only ones taking breaks were the Asthmatic patients because of how stuffy the conference hall was but somehow, the stuffiness didn't reach the president. Seems his Aura was wading it off.

In the mixed multitude, even on Television, everyone was ready to listen, even those that weren't too happy that he won the election.

To the nation he was a man to be loved and a well displayed man of Justice but to the higher ups , he was an impending threat which had to he treated before he became a mountain they couldn't handle.

Silent rules of power 101: Waiting for an impending threat who doesn't like your guts to gather strength or power was like putting your head on the gullitone yourself. It was a death sentence that they would never agree too.

"You do know it's only today we can take action, right?" The Minister of Works and Revenue reminded his partner in crime.

His Partner just nodded and kept looking around like he was looking for something.

"Have you put in place any measures?" He asked his Partner again because he was already getting very impatient. Time was of the essence.

Like a snobbish answer, his partner in crime, raised his index finger to his lips and said "Shhhhh"

It was a very gentle snub but the Minister put his pride down and decided to look at how the event will go.

  The President began his speech "I'm finally here. Can't believe it. It definitely doesn't feel the same as the debates I used to have as a teenager" He joked and everyone burst into laughter.

The Minsiters that supported the newly elected president sat on the right side of the hall, one of them kept their eyes on their opponents like a hawk would it's prey.

  "The President is funny" The Minsiter of education said with a smile.

But the person he was speaking to, was long gone,  immersed in his role of watching.

"Worried they'd do something?" The Minister asked his friend, who was also a fellow Minister.

"I know they are up to something. And I'm afraid that even the defense I put up this time around isn't enough" The fellow Minister replied.

"No matter what they're planning, they definitely wouldn't be able to kill the president right under our nose. Just relax" The Minsiter of Education said, in a relaxed cool tone before turning his attention back to his candidates.

When the laughter had quieted down, the President continued "You see, as a young child, I used to stand in an empty room and imagine myself talking to thousands of people. Can't believe that dream is finally here"  He paused, and let out a single cough, then continued, "I'm grateful to the entire nation for voting me in. Thankful to the people for voting me in. I'm grateful for your trust-" A cough interrupted his speech again and he let one out. But a cough doesn't just come one by one, they come in groups.

And so he continued coughing and coughing, and people got worried. Then one of the lieutenant beside him brought him a bottle of water to drink, it was already opened.

And as he rose his neck to drink water, a nail was plunged into his throat, piercing through his laryngeal prominence, right there in front of everyone by the same lieutenant that offered him water.

He was dead before he could even swallow a gulp of water. Right there and then, before the very people that voted him in, their candidate died and the one who did it had flown out the window before anyone could react.

It only took a minute for everyone to react, but when they did, it was too late to save their candidate or catch the culprit.

Finally, the Partner in crime with the Minsiter of Works and Revenue replied  "The Black robes, never fail!"

Lesson: No matter the stage you've reached in achieving your dream, always remember there are people, ever ready to murder them for you.

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