Chapter 8: Two strangers and their daughter.

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  The aroma of the sauce that catwalked from the kitchen, woke up Blade's belly before waking him up. His grhelin hormoned suddenly went up the charts and he found himself drooling even before he opened his eyes. Hunger literally woke him up.

He stood up from the bed, fully awake and traced the source of the aroma. As soon as he got to the kitchen, he lifted the cover of the pot, forgetting it was hot and immediately dropped it, the cover dropping to the floor, making sharp metal noises, his fingers flew to his mouth in an attempt to cool his fingers.

"Is that your father?" Blade heard that feminine voice say and he lifted up his eyes to see who said that and met the little girl his father entrusted unto him and another lady standing beside her, both of them wearing locally made dresses, his fingers were still in his mouth.

"He looks more like a fool to me" The lady said, before walking into the kitchen. Blade just kept staring, blankly.

"Took you long enough to wake up" She started as she used her left leg to pick a plate from the top rack where it was, dropping it from that height, effortlessly into her hand, rinsing it before walking towards the sauce to serve it, "You must be one of those men that don't value their lives. You should thank your stars that you're still alive. Not only did you lose blood and had to have blood transfusion, you also had four infected bullet wounds. If I didn't see your face and know you're human, I would have taken you for a perforated spoon" She joked, dropping the served sauce on the table and putting a loaf of bread beside it.

    Suddenly, Blade's mood changed. He realized he didn't know the lady and she could be a spy from Elder Hans. With a sudden aggression, he grabbed her hand and twisted it to the back, the lady struggling to get out of his grip.

"Is this how you say thank you to your benefactor?" She asked in annoyance.

"Who are you? And who sent you?" His voice came out in a low threatening tone, as he squeezed her hand further to the back.

   Like a reply, she suddenly turned around and jabbed him in the tummy that had an old wound that was yet to heal. In pain, he found himself groaning in pain as he fell to his knees, his two hands on his belly.

Her right leg suddenly landed on his shoulder blade, and he spurted out blood because of the internal force she used on him.

Her leg still on his shoulder she told him, "Killing you would be a breeze at the moment, because you're not only injured but you're also emotionally displaced"

In embarrassment, he pushed her leg off his shoulder and struggled to his feet, his hand still on his belly as he walked towards her.

"I'm just trying to tell you that if I wanted to kill you, would I wait till you're awake to kill you? I had a whole week to kill you but did nothing. So why would you wake up and call me the enemy?" She asked him. She wasn't as tall as he was, but making eye contact for both of them wasn't an issue. She looked into his eyes, with empathy but his cold glares sent her empathy running.

Blade, who had never been defeated in his whole life, even by Viper, found himself beaten by a woman. It was a big sore to his ego. He was so embarrassed to look at her, that he headed for the door without saying anything further.

On getting to the door, he felt even more embarrassed that the little girl his father entrusted unto him, saw that! But he sucked it up, gently grabbed the girl's hand and planned to walk away.

"Where are you going?" The lady called out but he didn't reply.

"The weather is gloomy. It's going to rain soon" She informed him but he didn't answer her. There was no way in hell he would stay with a lady who found it really easy to break him into two.

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