Chapter 10: Against all odds

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   "She passed out from shock. Some rest and she'd be alright" The local doctor said to Blade as they both walked down the stairs.

"Thank you, doctor," Blade replied, escorting the doctor.

"When she wakes up, give her plenty of water..." Blade tuned the doctor out when he started feeling funny.

Suddenly, the world seemed to be spinning, making Blade trip his last step, falling to the floor with a loud thud.

He saw the doctor rush towards him before his vision became blurry. His heart palpitated more than before and his head seemed like hammer was being hit on his head.

The doctor helped him towards the living room which was on the other side of the stairway, helping him lay on the couch.

His migraine was getting worse with every passing minute, his heart seemed like it was in a car race, and suddenly his internal energy was disorganized. He began shivering all over and his body's temperature suddenly dropped, making his body cold.

He suddenly started Jerking and all he knew was that the doctor tore his shirt off. Blood flowed down his cheeks from his mouth, down to the pillow on the couch and his body began aching.

To stop the sudden discomfort he was feeling, the doctor had to do acupuncture for him. Two silver needles on the wrist, which forced the congested blood he had in his chest to be spurted out.

  The shivering reduced, the jerking stopped but his migraine was still there. While the doctor tried his best to resuscitate Blade, Milani walked in. The antiseptic smell hit her nose like a baseball.

Her eyes kept darting around after dropping the groceries she bought on the table. Seeing the familiar suitcase on the table, she kept wondering what was going on.

  As she took a step on the stairs, the corner of her eyes caught a glimpse of the doctor who had the native wrapper tied round his waist.

"Mr Conir?" She called out in surprise, walking to the living room to see what was going on.

The doctor was already done, standing to his feet, his eyes locking with Milani's before Milani looked to see who was on the couch.

Blade was still conscious but he was too weak to move a muscle.

"What's going on, Mr Conir?" Milani asked the doctor, confused as to what was going on.

"His condition is much worse than before" The doctor stated.

"He doesn't listen to me" Milani reported to the doctor.

"If you don't rest when your body asks you to, you would have no choice but to heed it's call when it demands a rest.  Your body had too many unhealed injuries and many of them got infected. It took quite a lot of effort to bring you back, for you were at heavens door.
    Thank the heavens, I was here while you had another attack or it could have easily claimed your life" The doctor informed him further.

  That was the last thing Blade heard before he lost all consciousness.

The doctor was sure he lost consciousness before he attacked Milani, "You were only supposed to use a little of fedora! He was already injured. What if he died from that lethal dose?"

Fedora was an herbal poison that the Scarlett Blades use on their victims to push their victims to unconsciousness and cause temporary illness.

"It was a little I used. His old injuries only made it worse" Milani defended herself.

"When you knew he had old injuries that were yet to heal, why use it?"

"I'm practically living with a living danger. What other measures could i have used?"

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