Chapter 1: The Citadel of the Black Robes

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  He walked into the very place he was raised, heads high up with glory, his shoulder blades looked like they were sharpened by a knife, well chisled out and fine a man, he flinged the lieutenant clothing he had borrowed right into the incinerator before continuing his journey into the Citadel.

Not too long after he walked in, did he feel an arm coil round his neck, he took the hand immediately and flipped the person over his shoulder, unto the floor before he realized it was his childhood friend and sworn brother, Vesper.

  "Your walls are too high, bro. Considering the amount of times I've done this to you, you should be used to it by now" Vesper croaked.

"Considering your line of work, you know better than to embrace an assassin from the back" He replied before continuing his walk without helping Vesper up.

"You're as cold as always. Your name fits you more perfectly than you know" Vesper replied as he ran up to him, getting only a smirk from him.

"You killed the President, didn't you?"  Vesper tried to ascertain, giving his friend half of a pomegranate to eat.

"We don't talk about our missions" was the response of his cold blooded friend.

"I know, I know. But no one else could kill the President as profoundly as you did" Complimented Vesper.

"Just followed orders" He answered with a straight face.

As their walk continued, they both saw a truck filled with dead bodies driving out of the Citadel. From afar it looked like a heap of trash, but they knew even from afar that it was a heap of dead bodies.

"Can't believe a whole set of red robes assassins failed the test of the Pindo" Vesper soliloquized, not exactly talking to his friend.

"The Pindo?" He asked Vesper, taking a pause in his steps to look at his friend, while his mouth chewed on the bitten off part of the pomegranate.

Vesper looked at him with unbelief before explaining. "The Pindo is also called the sea of flying needles. We did it when we were moving to red robes, dude. That day, poisonous needles were flying in the air like dandelions and our Lead guard kept telling us it's a test for speed. I remember it was only ten of us that survived it, we dropped from fifty six to ten in an instant"

"Even in hell holes, there will always be that one person that survives especially if they are most desperate to live on" He deadpanned, resuming his steps with a new frown on his face.

"I thought so too, Blade. But looking back, I think we were just lucky" Vesper said to his face.

"There's no such thing as luck"  Vesper had barely finished his sentence before Blade slammed back.

Blade walked into the Citadel of the Black Robes, the Citadel that only housed the rare talents of the Robes, a Citadel in which he was opportuned to be a part of.

He and Vesper walked down to the Mechanically made elevator and pulled the Lever to the last floor which happened to be the fourth.

"Sometimes, I wonder why we still living in the olden days when the world is far far advanced than this" Vesper mumbled under his breath.

"It's safer than electronic Elevators and you know it" Blade responded. He was a lot calmer than he was earlier and his scrunched up eyebrows were now relaxed, bringing out his calm demeanor more than ever.

"That still isn't an Excuse for us to keep living in the past" Vesper defended.

"Do you by chance know how many people I've killed just by trapping them in a malfunctioning elevator?"Blade asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

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