Intro to Workers (8)

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[a/n]: Good luck, also possible canonical divergence..?
Note: Sao needs therapy after this.

⚠️: Viewer discretion advised.
[Sao's POV | Worker's second affiliate]

Checking a fallen out sliver watch from a possible dead man below me, it's around nighttime, not much has happened in the illegal ring fight.

The crowd was already excited for the next fight, as I stopped placing my hand onto the metal cage, surrounding the arena.

I could see the other executives, watching the arena, with their own masks.

Ryuhei, a blond man, who is regarded as the 'Rabid dog', wearing the iconic workers badge on his uniform with a mask that covered his entire face that has been painted to resemble a dainty guy.

He seemed to be annoying a lady, and that lady was Mitsuki.

Mitsuki, a lady who also also worn the workers badge with a slightly different uniform that is the same as mine's, just without the orange colored tie, and she wore a white fox mask, with red talisman hanging by her ears, only covering her eyes.

The lady pushed him off a little, annoyed by his action, as she grabbed the speaker phone.

I was hiding behind a mask, a fox mask, with 2 hanging orange strings on the sides of the ears.

Half of the mask was porcelain, and the other side of the mask was completely covered in a dark shade, like some metaphorical way of being two-faced.

Does Eugene hate me?

My brother seemed too focused about the fight, since he's up against a few opponents in the game, each opponent wearing a blueish criminal shirt with some same colored pants.

Mitsuki yelled into the speaker phone, "And the last game starts.. now!"

They all seemed worn out from the game, and most of their teammates were dead by the time the final round started.

I felt bad about this, game of this, I hated watching people die. I wanted to help, but I knew my place here.

I seen too much today.. but I accepted this deal, and I am also sure my brother feels the same too.

Going back to watch, Kenta used our family's karate, easily beating up the few contestants from the game. But he stood at the last moment, with a blank face, raising up his hand to leave, he held a red daruma mask, putting it back on.

The contestants that were injured, were confused, as the crowd was silent now.

Mitsuki was now going to introduce another executive. All the lights went on, with the mist hiding the man entering the arena, making the crowd go wild again.

"Now.. for all of those waiting.. here is...god of war!!" She yelled into the speakerphone, as we all see the man, with his fox eyes, tied up man bun, and the worker's uniform.

He was absolutely beating the contestants, brutally using the speedy techniques, it was different than last season.

I turned back around, I couldn't handle it, because what comes afterward.. is just a massacre. Hearing the crowd excitedly, and the contestants sobbing.. the bloody sounds.. screaming.. it reminds me..

I tried to get that image out of my head, huffing, but I couldn't get it out, I gagged in disgust, walking out of there, to find that meditation.

I kept on a serious face, yet my mind was drifting apart from my surroundings, walking to my room, becoming increasingly anxious while I searched in despair for those grey tablets.

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