Short Staffed (2)

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[a/n]: I could have written about it earlier but I was lazy about the writing so.. I'm putting it here as a little fun fact.

Sao isn't the best in speaking Korean fluently, so she uses duolingo  and some helpful sites to learn.
[3d POV | Sunset ]

A set of bells rang, just as soon Talla rushed through the once closed door, a crowd of people sat on the once empty cafe.

The cafe played jazz in the background, it was playing from a newly bought speaker installed.

Talla looked quite shocked, as there was more costumers more than usual, it seems the cafe is gaining attention.

She walked through, looking at her co-worker Jace wearing a orange apron, working the coffee machines and orders, as she looked at the clock.

4:39 PM.

Talla noticed Vasco, as he looked at his phone, seeming relaxed and carefree. He was sipping a glass of milk given to Jace, on the house.

There also seemed to be a gang surrounding Vasco, but it was considered strangely normal,  but a few people around the table were intimidated.

"Dang, so many people here.." Talla sighed, getting back to work as usual, putting her green apron on.

"I know but it seems we are short staffed right now, even the boss of this place is working too." Jace sweated, as the 2 glanced at Sao.

Sao was currently handling 3 to 4 orders, multitasking, seeming to also day dream about something in her mind, muttering a unfamiliar language.

Jace went back, occasionally making coffee and putting baked goods on the back of the café kitchen, while Talla handled most of the orders, writing it down on a notepad given by her.

It was peaceful, probably because Vasco was there, with his group of friends there, occasionally talking to Jace while he's working.

Time passed, as the crowd in the cafe died down after an hour or two, Jace's shift was over.

"Cya Talla."

"Bye Jace!"

Talla smiled, waving goodbye to him, in a friendly gesture, as the door shut.

She turned to Sao, as they both prepared to close the doors, flipping the sign inside the glass door to open to closed.

Finally the cafe was closed for another day to work.

Coffee machines were cleaned out by Talla, while Sao was dumping the waste into the trash bin outside.
[Talla's POV]

I scrubbed the machine, as I tried to recover from the heavy workload. The music from the cafe stopped, as it was replaced by the sounds outside.

"So.. boss, I have been thinking, what if we recruit some people?" I said, not really turning to Sao, while a trash can shut behind me.

"Hmmm.." She spoke softly, cleaning up the tables and chairs, "Sure, but.. we need some experience people to work with us." Her language was kinda off, I start to notice that Korean wasn't her first language.

"So, when will we start?" "Tomorrow, when the day ends."

I nodded, placing the coffee machine back together, turning to her. Empty silence emerged, as she turned to the side looking out the night sky. I dropped my dark green apron to a hanger on the wall, as she followed suit too, but her apron was colored red, matching her hair at the back.

I looked back into the past, when we first met, I  was beating up a guy, and by coincidence she met me.

But I wonder, did she fought too?
"So boss, have you ever fought... someone before?" I burlt out randomly, not expecting her to respond.

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