The Start

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[Kenda's POV]

    Those moves he used, were amazing, he had this calm and confident attitude, as each kid dropped into the ground, unconscious.

He was like a idol to me.

The floor was spilled with blood, I was ignorant, too innocent to comprehend, before he kicked the remaining kids already on the ground.. My sister grabbed his leg, seeming a bit angry.
[Sao's POV]

"What are you doing? That's enough Jonggun." I said, sounding like a order to Jonggun, as he swatted my hand away, using his leg.


He smirked, seeming a little too cocky for a second, before coldly returning to his feet. I looked at my brother, as he looked at Jonggun like a idol, his eyes were brighter than the sun, as I looked visibly flabbergasted.

'I should've taught Kenda about morals, what the hell did I see?' I thought, making a disappointing stare towards my brother.

Hearing the sounds of walking, my father and that old man was back.

Patting my hands, as I looked up, seeing my father surprised, his face was impressed.

"Looks like your son did this." He pointed at the kids unconscious on the ground, as the old man agrees.

"He's quite the fighter." The old man replied, as my little brother goes up to our father excitedly.

"Father, I wanted to be just like him!" Kenda said, happily.

I winced, like a teacher who realized that this child didn't know anything about how he's a bad influence to him. There's nothing to stop him, he was the favorite child.

My father spoke to Kenda, "Of course!" He nodded, as my brother celebrated in the air.

Jonggun looked at my little brother, he was weirded out by how his boy praised him like those K-pop idols.

He then looked at me, noticing my expression of being twisted, cringing.

I looked back, my eyes widening for a moment, then changing my expression quickly to normal, walking awkwardly.
[3d POV]

Sao walked stiffly, her mind were overflowing with thoughts after witnessing the spar, while Kenda was idolizing Jonggun, his thoughts were practically empty.

Their thoughts were on opposite sides.

The sibling's father, leading the old man and Jonggun to a place to eat, leaving the dojo.

Sao stopped, leaving her behind the group, looking back at the pile of kids on the ground as her face became guilty.

"Sorry I couldn't intervene in time." Sao whispered to the passed out kids, turning back to walk.

Sao later follows the steps of her brother, to the dining room. The dining room looked the same as the meeting room except there was a kitchen, and actual supporting walls with bricks.

Everyone sat down on the table, as they ate lunch peacefully, Kenda was eating messy, his father was eating like a 5 star meal; it was a lie, it tasted bland, and it probably didn't taste good.

Jonggun and Kenda finally introduced themselves, learning their names, it was actually relieving, to Sao.

They didn't introduced themselves for like almost 30 minutes until now, how stupid.

Their father, passed on a grey tablet to Sao's side, as she bitterly ate it, looking oddly dizzy for a second.

Her brother looked confused, looking at their father.

"What is that?" Kenda asked, as he replied curiously, "Just a iron tablet, she's quite anemic." He chuckled, but something in his eyes seemed.. off.

He's hiding something.

They both knew something was off about this, as they quickly glanced at him.

Anyways, after a quick minute of eating, the 2 visitors left, they both went back to their car to leave.

The gates opened, while the sun was setting out, as the car drived away, as the 3 bowed and waved goodbye.
Time skip
[a/n]: Sao's age is currently 18 after the time skip in this chapter
[Back to Sao's POV]

After some years passed, the visits were becoming less and less to our allied clan, was my father and the old man's relationship is becoming sour now after all those years?

It was night time, it was at that time where the younger yakuzas should sleep, but I stayed up this time.

I turned, I was in my bedroom, one step in. My bedroom was just a simple comfortable futon mat, with some old board games on the floor; I hadn't cleaned it up yet.

Pieces of the chess board were in the middle of the board games, with also some random checkers spilling into the chaos of a mess.

Geez, I really need to fix those habits of mine.

To the wall, there was a picture of a family photograph, old, yet still somewhat memorable to my eyes.

My mother, who was never mentioned before, was in that photo. Though.. I could barely remember that moment, since I was a little kid back then.

Not wanting to face the reality of her death, quickly glancing at a grey tablet, I quickly swallowed it.

I look to the left, with scattered books everywhere, noticing a Korean book about how to learn the language, but I was halfway finished with it.

A little bright blue sticky note was left on the page I was studying.

Suddenly, I felt something off, something wrong. It's exactly like that day when I was suspicious of something on that visit.

That feeling.. Dēja vu settled in my stomach again.

I took off my wooden shoes, they were too loud to walk in, as I carefully placed into the mat floor. I knew I was breaking the rules, but my curiosity had peaked that day.

I went back to the halls, they were long, as I kept walking, there were guards for security measures, but they only come out of night time.

'Strange, shouldn't there be guards at day too?' I questioned, but I shaked that thought away, no time for it.

Each step was making my heart beat out of my chest, I hoped I wouldn't be caught, as I finally made to my destination, the meeting room.

It was lit bright with yellow, as I pressed my ear into the thin walls to hear.

"Tonight, we will be planning on the attack on the Yamazaki's." A familiar voice rang through my ear as I heard 15 or more voices, I realized it was my father's voice. "Yes sir!" They shouted in unison.

My eyes widened, it was a horrible idea, I couldn't imagine that. I knew it was common knowledge to never mess with that clan nowadays, they were strong with that man at their side.

I raised myself, lifting my ear off the wall, I heard enough.

There was a rumor of the man having eyes like a demon, another rumor of the man destroying the strongest clans, and it was about time that something like this would happen.. right?

I was shocked, as I stumbled with my feet, as I quickly went back to my bedroom, shivering, my spine was cold like ice.

The door was shut tight, there was a little tap to be heard, as I drop to my futon.

"If I don't do something.. they'll get hurt.. " I spoke out of fear, afraid of the future, my voice was almost a whisper.

I'm the oldest one related to their 'Leader', and If my father dies in someway, how will I possibly handle it, how could I lead the clan if he did die?

I calmed myself down, as I looked up, going inside my futon. My expression became brave, as I planned on how to be strong in the body and mind.

I hoped that I wasn't too late on training for my people.

Guess it was time for a change for once.

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