> Extra info about mv Oc's <

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  The first few chapters ( 1-5 ) were my oc lore stuff, lol.

Skip if you want lamo
( this is the least serious or important thing I ever wrote )

This is where I put my Oc information, that is important to the storyline so I'll put the info here as bulletin points.

- Talla and Sao relationship is Co-worker and Boss, but it will soon turn into Disciple to Mentor, for the title to make sense.

( Very Important in more of the later chapters, where gangism starts to show up )
Info that hasn't been written (?)  about these 2:

- Sao killed people, in her past life, but it wasn't written, due to the fact that Sao doesn't remember that because her memories keep getting wiped when she's reincarnated.

- Sao is more of analyzing person when she fights currently, so she usually wins.
( not much to say )

- Talla is very knowledgeable, but rarely uses her brain, as it will cause headaches.

- Talla remembers all her deaths, which is why she isn't afraid of death, because she'll always be reborn.

- Talla once became a frog once during one of her reincarnation's, she didn't like that.

Sao's morals are: You can hurt me, but if you cross the line of killing others, or hurt my family in any way, I won't allow you.

Talla's morals: I don't care about many things... unless you hurt my friends/best friends, you are so done for!

The 2 other oc's Jineo and Min, will be added much, much later into the storyline, so their personalities will be very interesting.

Anyways here's some info before hand since I really wanted to write out what they are before I add them later on.

- Min is a stoic man, and usually keeps calm until he is trapped into a situation where he can't escape, so he throws a dynamite as a last resort.

- Sao is considered a anti villain despite being a genuinely good person.
( She is the antagonist, yet has boundaries )

- Min is considered a anti hero despite over stepping morals and rules.
( He is a heroic person, yet has committed a few crimes for justice ) ( Is he bat man from an alternative universe??? )

- Min and Sao will never meet, as this will cause them to fight each other, despite their goals. ( but.. just maybe.. )

- Min is seen rarely, doing undercover operations he's sort of a spy, reminds me of Spy x Family. ( This may or not change )

- Jineo is friends with Koji, they are both chaotic hackers. Jineo is older then Koji, he's been a bad influence for Koji.

- Jineo is a sweetheart, and is kind to old ladies.

( also he does arson to buildings, don't ask why. )

-Jineo is the son of Min, and they have the most healthy relationship despite Jineo doing illegal things.

Jineo's Morals: Don't care, but I'm slightly aware I am bad, but still continues to do it anyway for a good reason! ( I will regret it )

Min's Morals: Bad? Good? I don't know anymore, but I will sacrifice everything to make my son have a healthy future..

( Min is the best dad, and he's the only one who is there for his kid who is still alive..)

Unlike.. some characters...
( spoilers if you haven't already seen it )

If you actually read this, here is Sao running away from her nightmare!_____Extra relationship -  not related trope stuff I will add later on:

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If you actually read this, here is Sao running away from her nightmare!
Extra relationship - not related trope stuff I will add later on:

Tsundere x Tsundere frenemy relationship

More PTSD and angst for Sao's storyline
( sorry but I can't have fluff without angst )

Coffee shop AU more like angst and drama haha!! ...Damn I will cry once I write this.

Mentor and disciple relationship changing into something more different??
( I am cooking?? )

Kuudere yearning is actually unrequited love dynamic

Canon Divergence will actually happen later on and there is nothing to stop it

Chaotic guy actually being the good guy??
Dr doofusmerts personality???!!!

So. Many. Anime or Manga references. Why.

Bromance relationships!! Epic!!
( extra points if one of them is a girl tomboy )

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