Chapter 23: Saftey Warnings

Start from the beginning

Jaemin averted his glance momentarily; he appeared thoughtful and perhaps was considering my words. Gradually, his attention returned with a sigh—.

"I'll give you that. I've also never experienced something so dangerous before," Jaemin admitted.

"Then, what do you think about my proposition?" I questioned, intrigued.

Jaemin sat correctly on the couch and looked at me earnestly—. "Jeno, I know it isn't the proper time to ask. But I want to know what our relationship is."

His words caught me off guard; however, I was grateful he cared to know about us in complicated situations like this one.

"I like you."

Jaemin rolled his eyes—. "I know that already, man! What I want to know is whether we are together?"

He blushed and made me chuckle at his cuteness—. "You want the question?"

"No! Could you not ask me 'that' question? You already know the answer," Jaemin bashfully protested.

"Then, let me make a suggestion," I answered before moving closer, softly talking beside his ear—. "Na Jaemin, let's date."

Jaemin immediately looked down while a content grin appeared on his face. Then, he hummed and nodded—. "That's all I wanted to hear. Thank you."

"As always, you are very deprecating," I sighed before looking at the hour on my watch. It'll get late soon.

"My training made me captious and detail-oriented," Jaemin proudly said while watching my actions—. "Do you want to go now?"

"Uh. Yes," I worriedly said.

"How long do I have to stay with you?" Jaemin asked.

"I'll feel better if you stay with me until the case closes."

"Alright. Let me pack my bags, and we'll leave," Jaemin said, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him against me. I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes while feeling my heartbeat accelerating—. "Jeno?"

"Let me hold you for a while," I murmured. Jaemin only hummed and stroked my back, allowing me to stay close and calm myself down.

We departed from Jaemin's condo and went to mine. I welcomed him openly and arranged his bedroom for the upcoming days. Jaemin settled in quietly while I texted Haechan to check the team's safety.

"Put down your tablet; I want cuddles," Jaemin cynically said, making me laugh at his sudden attitude.

I lifted my arms while holding the tablet and allowed Jaemin to hug me. He held onto me as he said, and still, I continued reading Haechan's messages and let Jaemin do whatever he wanted.

"What are you watching? Is it important?" Jaemin curiously asked while eyeing the tablet screen.

I hummed—. "Haechan is telling me what happened after the explosions."

"Seriously?!" Jaemin immediately grabbed the tablet and sat on my lap. He read the conversation while looking amazed by Haechan's discoveries—. "I suspected the same thing you did."

"What? About Larsen and Tanner?" I asked.

"Yes," Jaemin nodded and looked at me—. "I also thought Professor Larsen or Henry Tanner wanted to eliminate traces of their illicit deeds."

"Perhaps it was Larsen. The explosion occurred in the professors' classroom," I thoughtfully suggested.

"Good guess," Jaemin said before taking a deep breath.

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