Chapter 18: More Than A Feeling

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Boston, Massachusetts.

Moments later. – At Jaemin's condominium.


After cleaning ourselves, I helped Jeno put some medicine on his inflamed shoulder and wrapped it with bandages. I asked him to go to the hospital one last time, but he continued to reject my request. I couldn't do more for him; hence, I stood with him in the living room while he finished some assignments for his class. – Later, we received news about Renjun and Haechan; they contacted Alice, and she asked everyone to meet today and tomorrow after our lectures. Our friends continued the conversation by asking about our condition, but I cut them out after telling them to remain calm. Eventually, I felt drowsy and fell asleep without notice.

I had an odd dream related to Chance; hence, I couldn't close my eyes as much as I wanted. - I opened them, blinked a few times, and looked around me. Surprisingly, when I realized where I lay, I didn't move. Jeno's sitting down; his lap acted as my pillow while his arm surrounded me. My heartbeat increased as my eyes widened while watching Jeno's face; he slept, too, and appeared more drained than I was.

I extended my arm toward his face only to touch his skin with my fingers. However, he moved gently, and I immediately returned to my previous position.

Jeno took a deep breath before opening his eyes; then he looked at me and smiled subtly—. You are awake.

—I am, – I merely answered while trying to calm my emotions.

—How do you feel?

—Better than a moment ago; that's for sure – I assured Jeno before standing up; I sat correctly before grinning—. What about you? Is your shoulder any better?

—It'll eventually get where I want it to, but for now, it's okay – Jeno said before looking at his phone—. Haechan texted me; he wanted us to meet up.

I nodded before taking out a cloth from my pocket—. Before we meet the team, I need you to know I took this from the debris.

Jeno looked at the cloth before I gave it to him. He uncovered the object and soon realized it was hardware; immediately, he looked at me, confused.

—What is it?

—I believe the hardware got used to create the bomb at the office. I took it before leaving the area, – I explained while Jeno inspected it. I stood up, went for my phone, and returned to take photos of the hardware.

—You don't want to bring the evidence to the institute. Do you? – Jeno questioned while looking at me.

—Correct – I answered before ordering Jeno what to do—. Move it to the left.

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