Chapter 5: The Newest Ally

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Boston, Massachusetts.

A day later. – At Boston Institute of Social Sciences.

-Jaemin's POV-

It's almost nighttime, and I am still inside the institute's library. I finished some assignments for tomorrow's lectures; however, I seized the empty night as an opportunity to continue with the case. Yesterday, Renjun brought more information to the investigation since he followed some of the teachers on our list. More than half of our list got completed; hence, the number of suspects changed drastically. Likewise, we continued asking the students, and regardless of the institute's progress in retaining the faulty teacher behind the problem, we decided to persevere. It is dangerous, but Renjun and I; had been in worse situations.

Currently, I'm placing the books on their shelves as I'm about to leave. But while doing so, I felt someone's presence, causing me to look to my side and find Chance Fletcher. He's a student from the law department and has a remarkable reputation among others. Chance dyed his hair a few months ago to blonde. He also has light brown eyes. Surprisingly, he's taller than me and has a perfectly shaped body. I saw it after attending a swimming tournament, and it was the day I met Chance.

I can't deny that every time I see him. I'm starstruck. I mean, who wouldn't?

-Jaemin, what are you doing here? – Chance asked, immediately making my thoughts drift away.

-Uh, yeah, yeah, I finished some assignments. – I nervously said after placing the book on the shelf, and then I looked at Chance and smiled.

-You are always so responsible, like any criminologist should be. – Chance praised, making me snicker at his comment.

-Well. I have to graduate. – I joked, causing us to laugh together.

-you don't say it seriously, do you? – Chance asked.

-No, of course not. I'm messing around with you. – I admitted before I walked to my table with Chance behind me.

-I thought you did. But I had to ask either way since I noticed Mr. Na doing other things. – Chance mentioned before grabbing the case's notes. -You've been busy, haven't you? – Chance questioned before taking a glimpse of the information.

-Is that obvious? – I questioned, unbothered to leave Chance with the investigation while I put my stuff away.

-Renjun and you; have been asking about the information leak since the news came out. So, most students know what you are doing. – Chance explained before placing the papers on the table. Briefly, he looked at me. -Jaemin, you are a great criminologist, but I still fear you'll get hurt. – Chance admitted while looking somewhat worried.

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