Chapter 15: Subtle Changes

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Boston, Massachusetts.

Moments later.


The unplanned breakfast ended, and soon after, both decided to go to the mysterious condominium. According to Alice, the institute's students often rent the rooms since they don't want to live in the campus dormitories. – We were cautious while going upstairs. We didn't have a permit to get inside the condo after all. – Hence, we avoided the guards and hurried to reach our destination.

I forced the door and opened it with a dagger. But before I could go inside, Jeno stopped me and looked around. He overviewed the perimeter while placing his arm across the entrance, preventing me from entering.

—What are you doing? – I asked, confused.

—Checking if it's safe to go in – Jeno answered, still looking around the room.

—Jeno, I'm grateful, but remember, you aren't the criminologist here. – I told Jeno before removing his arm and entering the place.

Immediately, I wore my gloves and began glancing at every corner. Cautiously, I moved between the furniture while reviewing the objects within the space. – Eventually, I entered the bedroom, and at first glance, it resembled a student room. It had the technology and music posters on the walls and a couple of clothes out of place: t-shirts and a dark blue hoodie.

After looking around, I walked to the desk, instantly turning on the laptop on the surface. I moved the mousepad while reading the files, and one of them showed 'jobs' as a title. Therefore, I took out my pen drive, plugged it in, and shortly copied the folder into the device.

—Jaemin! – I heard Jeno calling me; hence, I left the files loading and went to him. I entered the kitchen and saw him looking at the sink.

—What? – I asked while approaching Jeno.

—There are glasses on the sink. – Jeno pointed at the objects before taking them with his hands. Fortunately, he didn't forget to put his gloves on.

—I can take the fingertips from the glass. – I told Jeno before taking out the materials to retrieve the fingertips. Jeno held the glass for me while I obtained the evidence.

—It's wine. – Jeno pointed out while sniffing the glass.

—There are two cups of glass in the sink, so give me the other one. – I ordered Jeno. He didn't say anything; instead, he obeyed and helped me.

—Was the resident celebrating something? – Jeno thoughtfully questioned.

—Perhaps it was. Or that person had a date with someone, maybe a lover. – I suggested before placing the evidence away, saving it while Jeno put the glasses on the sink.

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