Fucking Him! (Best-Friend Romance)

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Hey guys for all those of you who love some story or plot before your smut, this one is for you. Let me know if you want more stories like this!

Three years he had returned after three years. God knows where he had been, and what he had done. But I was just happy that he was back.

I was in my childhood bedroom, waiting for the doorbell to ring any moment now. I knew he would come rushing to my house to meet me. We hadn't met in three years and the last time we spoke was a year ago. When he was in Afghanistan the only thing new in my life was my boyfriend, who is my ex now.

After that email, we hadn't had any conversation. I had sent him a ton of emails but he never replied to any, let alone called me.

I wanted, and I waited. An hour passed and no one had rung the bell yet. I was getting increasingly worried. He had changed his number, and I had no way to find out why he wasn't at my doorstep by now.

"Calm down honey, give him some time to settle down, he must be busy with his family. You know Mandy had a baby, right? He is an uncle now; he needs to spend some time with them before he comes to you." My mom tried to reassure me. But the boy I knew would drop his bags on his own doorstep and then would run to mine.

Growing up we were inseparable. He looked out for me and I for him. Our parents said that we were destined to be together. But then we became teenagers, and the dynamics of our friendship shifted.

Until I was dating Danny and he had already enlisted.

I did not like the way we parted so I started writing to him. When I had a feeling that we were on the same page again, we even started talking on the phone. But then it all stopped again a year ago.

I was pacing back and forth in my room, restless. He was 19 when he left and I left shortly after to pursue my dream of becoming an architect. I was in my last year. And when my mom called me to tell me that Will was coming back. I drove here like a lunatic, God knows how many speeding tickets I'd get, but fuck it he was my best friend.

And here I was waiting for him. He lives just down the streets, precisely seven houses to my right and still he hadn't come to meet me.

"Honey come down for dinner, pacing in your room must be tiring." My dad yelled from downstairs and I knew they both were enjoying my misery.

I walked down the stairs with a cool face, or as cool as I could pretend to be.

"What's for dinner?" I asked.

"I made spaghetti with hot dogs cut up in it, just the way you like it." My mom said.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to sit at the table and eat, spaghetti pretending everything was ok. Hell, I had lectures tomorrow and assignments due. I had put my life in New York on hold to be here and he had still not made any efforts to meet me.

"You can always go to his house you know," Dad said smirking, mom hit him playfully on his chest.

"Don't play with our daughter, Zack." She scolded him, even though she too was enjoying this little game.

But I would not go to his house. He was the one who had cut me out not once but twice. I wasn't going to reach out this time too. I had once, and that was enough.

Somehow, I got over dinner, every bite felt like a chore. After helping my mom clean up, I went up to my room and lay down on the bed to sleep. I checked my phone, a couple of times to see if he had texted. I knew he still had my number, as I had not changed it, just in case he decided to call or text.

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