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Taehyung was aware that everything he did, did not leave a scratch on his father

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Taehyung was aware that everything he did, did not leave a scratch on his father.

Couldn't give less of a fuck, though.

For, with time comes many changes. Good things come to those who know how to wait - how to be patient. He was sure that another round would bring him the king, as two important players on the opposing side dropped out in this round.

It's so easy when you play with a clear mind. Simple. You know how to attack and who to attack. But the problem here is that Taehyung wasn't sure what color Namjoon and Yoongi represented. Thought it was white. But then again, white was already taken by his father.

See, when it comes to chess, white is reserved for whoever moves first. The attacker. He had given this color to his father a long time ago. Back when he had taken his mother away from him. Didn't want a greedy lawyer or a deceitful doctor to wear the same hue. Figured they had attacked first too, so they were just as suitable as his old man.

He was black. He liked black.

And honestly, Taehyung would rather paint a canvas with shades of pink and maybe purple. Couldn't really be bothered with drab colors when the palette was so rich and bright. So when the police subpoenaed Namjoon for questioning, and you testified against him in court, Taehyung figured that brooding over colors was really childish and with absolutely no gain.

Some changes occurred to the situation that brought you and Taehyung together. Namjoon was already in some trouble with the law, and when a mouth belonging to the wife of a political candidate's son sang about how she treated her beloved husband's wound caused by a conspiracy between a greedy doctor and a vicious businessman, the law believed the claims about Jungkook's innocence. Instead, no investigation was conducted into the accident. The focus remained on the video that Taehyung showed to the world.

Deputy Cha was removed from office, just as Yoongi's license was revoked. A legal committee held a meeting to evaluate whether the inclusion of his name in an ongoing investigation was damaging the bar's image, which was indeed the case. As a result, his license to practice law was suspended.

But Taehyung didn't give a fuck about all this. Because his mind was full of images belonging to the celebration you threw after that eventful night. He wasn't sure if he could call it a proper celebration because you didn't have a party, no one there to clap for you, no confetti or expensive drinks. But you were together, and considering drinking on the stairs that led to an empty neighborhood near Haebangchon, a celebration, one that warmed his heart, brought peace to it, graced his face with a smile, was literally clouding his brain with questions that made him uncaring about the fruits of his sowing.

He thought of the smile you gave him before you hugged him outside the venue, seconds before you got into his car. Couldn't say what he liked more. The warmth of your genuine embrace that wasn't caused by cinematic pressures to convince people of your bond, or the way your eyes shone with affection? No, he must have been mistaken. Needed glasses as soon as possible. It was more likely gratitude or something that fell between these lines.

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