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Tremendous was the event

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Tremendous was the event. Colossal figures streamed in in waves. Old Kim had never planned anything on this scale, not even for his son's wedding, and this despite the fact that the wedding had been in the tabloids for months.

It was something akin to a party, but in its formality, was more like a press conference disguised as a fundraiser. Reporters didn't have the time to catch a breath, flashes of cameras rivaling the lighting of a stormy night. The entrance was crowded and in its disorder, was very collected, following strict regulations imposed by the organizers of the event.

You were invited you wished you weren't.

The scrubs were long taken off your body and replaced with a long black velvet dress that you didn't recognize yourself in. The makeup wasn't heavy, but you could feel it clogging your pores and wished nothing more than to reach for the wet wipes that lay happily on the vanity. You blamed it on the heat. Normally, you prefer a clear base when the weather is warmer, opting instead for a few pumps of concealer and a few brushes of mascara. But here, you were, wearing falsies even.

Yeah, you blamed the frustration on the weather, because you really wanted it to be, but your memory knew better than to be fooled by illusions when the images of the man standing Jimin outside your clinic were still fresh in your mind.

You didn't know him, and you wished you had, so you could hate him all you wanted and needed to. A new recruit, you reckoned. Taehyung had a knack for new faces; they always cooperated better, and the need for bills with the empress stamped on was ground of endless docility. Loyalty. You knew humans were far from dogs and their loyalty, but he preferred to believe otherwise, and you wished someone would soon give him a taste of betrayal just to make a good laugh out of it.

No, you did not know him, but the arrogance in his voice marked you, held you captive to the thoughts. A high rank, you thought, given the mohair suit he wore. Black, well pressed, the sharp crease in the middle of his pants still fresh. A wingman, you assumed, but he was polite enough to insult you with formal threats and a rich vocabulary.

He really didn't need to badger you like that. You were ready to go with him wherever he wanted as soon as you saw Jimin through the glass wall of the clinic's waiting room. But apparently he had to give you further incentives.

And after gracefully refusing ol' man Kim's invitation, you were now dressed up as the good daughter-in-law you were supposed to be, getting dolled up and perfumed to rival a botanical gardenia just to honor said invitation.

"You look stunning, darling," sweetly your mother said, relieving the silence that had stifled your hairdresser. You glanced in the mirror, forgoing the courtesy of thanking her for the compliment. "Taehyung would have fallen in love all over again if he had seen what you look like."

Suddenly the conversation caught your interest; fake pleasantries aside, your mother had a big mouth that always spelled out the beads. "He won't assist?"

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