°•✧012; Back Up Plan✧•°

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Earlier that night, still at the Camp Oak Creek, Chris Argent was standing in front of an upset Phoebe Vaughn.

"Phoebe? Hey–––look at me, remember what i told you?" Argent puts her to sit down.

"I've never had someone died in my arms before-." Phoebe stammers out anxiously.

"No, no, no, Phoebe, hey, come on, stay focus!" Argent slightly raised his voice.

Phoebe tearfully looks at him. "I called–––i called you firs-."

"No, no, don't say 'you', say 'Mr. Argent' or 'her dad'." Argent softly says.

Phoebe deeply exhales. "...i called her dad."

"What else happened?" Argent then asks.

"It wa-was a drive by shooting, it was all so blurry and dark, i couldn't–––i couldn't even catch a glimpse at all..." Phoebe anxiously comments.

"Mhm, then what?"

"It happened too fast..." Phoebe whispers, echoing through the camp.


"It happened too fast..." Finn whispers quietly.

Finn Cortez was seated in a chair by a desk that Jordan Parrish had occupied.

"It was a drive-by shooting?" Parrish slowly asks.

"It was dark, all i could see was blurry lines, they just drove off so fast." Finn heavily pants.

"We were just passing by when someone just drove by a shoot her, they tried to shoot at me, but missed." Finn gulps nervously.

"Enmity with anyone?" Parrish questions.

Finn scoffs. "Everyone does."

"Is that all? All you can remember?" Parrish questions.

"...it's all that happened, it just happened so fast..." Finn whispers quietly.


"She didn't notice me, neither did Finn, but–––i heard Allison and Phoebe's conversation, she was telling Phoebe something, but, Phoebe being Phoebe, was so certain that Allison would stay alive, and told her that she could you herself."

Argent confusingly looks at the Lahey. "What were they talking about?"

"She was saying, 'you have to tell my dad', and that's all i got." Isaac sadly says.

"But, i'm pretty sure she wanted to say that she loved you and was proud of you." Isaac teared up.

"It's okay–––she made a point of telling me earlier." Argent calmly says.

Footsteps was heard walking nearby, entering inside the apartment.

"I think–––she wanted to tell you that she figured out how to solve the 'Oni' problem." Phoebe cautiously says, not once looking at Isaac.

"How do you know that?" Argent impatiently asks.

Phoebe had a hit of guilty conscience, as she stares at a motionless Allison Argent, her seeing Finn Cortez going towards his dead ex.

Phoebe stumbles backwards, the back of her heel stepping onto something, which she didn't take notice of due to her feeling of guilt.

As she stepped over the object, it was clearly seen that it was an arrowhead that Allison had killed the Oni with.

HIS FIRST CHOICE,  SCOTT MCCALLWhere stories live. Discover now