°•✧005; Catch Me If You Can✧•°

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At the night time, out in the woods, a trail of dark red blood flood through a track, there was a tent laid out, blood splattered all on the tent, and a bunch of campers was laid around the camp, their throat all ripped, blood coated on their body, their bodies motionless.

A blonde girl was seen sitting on her knees, her hands on her face, sobbing softly, right in front of the dead campers.

A teenager was then seen driving nearby, him hearing the sobs coming from the woods, call it his idiocy or curiousness, but he went to check it out.

The guy got into the woods, looking around for the sound of sobbing, then he saw a group of dead campers, his foot steeping on the blood, him seeing a blonde girl in front of the bodies, crying out.

"Hey, you okay?" The teenager naively asks.

Phoebe quickly turns around, looking up at the guy with tears in her eyes, getting up, whilst stumbling, her in a saddened condition.

"M-my friends–––they're all dead, please, help me." Phoebe sobs.

"Okay, just calm down, all right, i'll get you some help." The guy warmly assures.

Phoebe sniffles, confusion taking over her, staring at the unfamiliar guy as he took out his phone.

She had no idea who this guy is, she has never seen him here before.

"You don't look like you're from Cali, who are you?" Phoebe played herself, as if she actually cares.

"I'm not, i'm from San Francisco, i've come to meet a friend of mines, i think you know her–––Allison Argent."

Phoebe's eyes lit up at this, a devious smirk played on her lips.

"Allison, huh?" Phoebe smirks.

The guy glances at Phoebe. "...sorry, i think i forget to mention that i'm a Hunter and i hunt your kind."

The guy smugly smirks at Phoebe, taking out a gun, Phoebe taking a hold of his wrist, twisting his hand around, adding some pressure, turning him around, him grunting in surprise.

Phoebe then took a bite from his neck, ferociously and violently biting into him, him yelling in pain, Phoebe shoving him onto the ground, the guy looking at her in horror, taking a hold of his neck.

"I'm a monster, but not the one you're normalized with." Phoebe spoke through her fangs.

The guy quickly gathered his gun, going to take a shot at her, but she vamp sped away from him, him looking around, heavily breathing out.

Phoebe soon appeared behind him, her shoving her hand through his back, causing a hole to appear, her fingers swiping through his lungs to get to his heart.

The guy gasps out in surprise, groaning in agony.

"Don't worry, i'll tell Allison you stopped by." Phoebe whispers in his ear, her lips brushing against his ear.

Phoebe then proceeded to rip out his heart, not one care of emotions in her eyes, blood splattering on her face, her not even blinking.

Phoebe then dropped the heart, her looking at her bloody hand, her then licking her fingers that were coated with his blood, her then humming in satisfaction.

Phoebe then smirks. "Delicious."

The trunk of his car was seen being opened, revealing a carton of gasoline and a box of matches, which made the blonde smirk in amusement.

HIS FIRST CHOICE,  SCOTT MCCALLWhere stories live. Discover now