°•✧009; Dark Druid✧•°

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It was daytime in the small town of Beacon Hills and out in the bleachers, a sketchpad was seen placed onto someone's lap, a pencil was seen in a female's grasp as she made shades on a huge tree that she drew before.

She didn't even have a glue what she was drawing, she was just trying it.

Another person was seen sitting behind her, their face becoming clear as they made their self visible, revealing Cora Hale.

Cora's chin rested on the girl's shoulder, her hazel eyes glancing at the huge tree.

Cora's brows frowned in confusion. "What is that?"

Phoebe hums, shaking her head lightly. "No idea, just a drawing."

Phoebe then placed down the pencil, her light blue eyes on the huge tree.

Phoebe smiles at the drawing, her impressed by her own drawing.

"It's good, isn't it? This is like the only drawing that i actually completed and actually like." Phoebe happily smiles.

Isaac Lahey was seen walking by, when he saw Phoebe smiling with her cousin, a smile that he knows will never be directed him to ever again.

Cora then noticed Isaac walking towards them, preferably to her cousin, the Werewolf growling lowly at the sigh of him, her eyes glowing a bright golden color.

Phoebe frowns at her cousin, then saw her looking at something in front of her, the blonde, seeing Isaac in front of her, made anger appear in her eyes.

"What do you want?" Phoebe rudely asks, standing up in front of him.

"I want to talk to you." Isaac says.

Phoebe hissed at him. "Yeah, well, i don't want to talk to you."

Isaac slightly rolled his eyes, a scent being inhaled, which made scoff at her in irritation.

Isaac then looks at her up and down. "Oh! You even smell like him."

"Oh, i'm sorry, am i supposed to care how my decisions affect you?" Phoebe mockingly questions.

Isaac gaped at her attitude. "What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

Cora then stepped in between them, her coldly glaring at her cousin's ex.

"You present yourself in front of my cousin one more time...i'll rip your tongue from your head."

"Am i supposed to be scared?" Isaac challenged the girl.

Cora then flicked out her claws, wrapping her hand around his throat, shoving him onto the wall, him gasping out, a look of fear in his eyes.

"Actually, you are." Cora growls.

"Come on, Coco, he already looks like he wants to die." Phoebe smirks at Isaac, her taking a hold of Cora's hand.

Both girls was then seen walking away, Phoebe slightly glancing at Isaac, him heavily breathing out in shock.

Phoebe smirks, her scoffing out. "Weak."


Inside the high school, Cora and Phoebe was seen walking through the school halls, both talking with each other.

"Wanna help me go after them?" Cora asks, glancing at Phoebe.

"The whole pack?" Phoebe then questions.

"Every one of them." Cora says.

"Fine, okay, but, Kali's mine, okay? After what she did to me..." Phoebe then sighs out, her agreeing with her.

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