°•✧003; Body Finding✧•°

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It was night time, and Phoebe Vaughn was seen walking near the pool area, the blonde feeling like she reached where she's supposed to be, stopped abruptly.

A long trail of dark red substance wandering towards her, blue eyes widening in shock, a screeching scream escaping from beneath her throat, by the sight of the body.

The way how whoever had taken this person's life, was way too brutal.

A ferocious snarl was then heard coming from behind the bush, eye glowing a bright golden color, canine teeth out of the person's mouth.

Phoebe then looked at where the sound was coming from, her light blue eyes noticing the familiar dark skinned teen

"Boyd?" Phoebe whispers softly.

Boyd, seeing the blonde, animalistically growls at her, him speeding towards her.

"No, Boyd!" Phoebe screams in fright at the Wolf.

Boyd then felt his self being thrown back against a tree, him losing consciousness for a while.

Phoebe nervously stares at the unconscious Werewolf, the girl then shakily took her phone out, her looking at the fastest contact she could pull out and quickly dialed the number, her placing the phone by her ear, taking in fast paced breaths.

"Yeah, hello? Pheebs, i can't talk right now, i have to look for Boyd-."

Phoebe then nervously breaths out. "I found him..."

Scott, who was on the line, grew shock at this. "You did?"

"Yeah, and i don't know–––i don't know what happened to him and now he's unconscious, and i–––i found a dead body." Phoebe confusingly and shakily says.

"Is-." Scott was saying.

Phoebe then heard ferocious and aggressive snarls and growls coming from behind her, her automatically dropping the phone, quickly turning around to face an angered and out of control Boyd.

"Boyd, you need to calm down, okay? Just-."

Scott had heard Phoebe saying over the phone, his expression turning into a serious and concerning one.

"Phoebe? Phoebe?" Scott tries to call for her, but he heard no response.

Boyd's mouth was wide open, him revealing his canine teeth as if he was about to take a bite out of her, which she was afraid of.

A hand was then seen latching onto the blonde's, pulling her with them, her running with the person.

Somewhere out in the woods, Phoebe was seen breathlessly looking at Finn, who was leaned against the tree, him panting.

"Phoebe, we need–––we need to run, okay? Run, just run." Finn whispers out impatiently.

The two Vampires was seen speeding away, using their quick vamp-speed.


The next day, in the evening, Lydia Martin was seen going by the same swimming pool area where Phoebe had previously.

The Martin girl, finding a body, let out a frightful shriek.

Finn and Phoebe had found Lydia, who was shaking at the sight of the body.

"Lydia?" Phoebe whispers, noticing her shaken up friend.

Finn and Phoebe then looked at each other, then back to the Martin girl.

HIS FIRST CHOICE,  SCOTT MCCALLKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat