Fate is a funny thing (part 2)

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After the three days that were set out for them to rest, they all gathered in the throne room...

They were all surprised and in awe of their new attires that were carefully well thought of and designed much per day...

They were all studying the carefully sewn talismans amazed by how detailed and how powerful  it was...

Wangji couldn't help but feel happy hearing how wei ying's work had amazed them all...

"I see that all of liked your new attires."

Sect leader Jiang said upon entering and seeing them inspecting and showing off each other's robes...

They all nodded and bowed in thanks for the new attires they got...

JiangYu Ziyuan entered after her husband and inspected them all while wearing their new attires before giving them a satisfied nod of approval...

"You all better take good care of those robes, they were tailored by the best in your clans all the while the designs, talismans and right coloring was done by none other than our three flowers."

She said in a proud and firm tone...

Hearing that the talismans and designs were the three flowers' doing they couldn't help but be more awed except for lan Wangji whom already knew because of his wei ying...

"For this month we will alternate between lectures and practice to sharpen your skills and teach you all how to adapt in different situations and places."

They all understood the Jiang sect leaders words and agreed...

They were lead by disciples to the training pavilion in which they were all to witness such a sight...

They saw Lady Yanli fighting with veiled servants with her majestic and graceful fan and wind cultivation...

They were not fighting rather they were sparring as training...

Nie Huaisang was the most awed of them all, as a person that has deep love for fans he would have never thought that they could also be used as a weapon with such grace...

While the girls and Huaisang was busy looking at Yanli gight along with Zixuan, the others noticed Jiang Cheng also fighting with a couple of disciples...

They all saw JiangWei Ying teaching and leading the training of the other disciples as they watched him watch the disciples like a hawk and calmly fixing their mistakes if made...

They saw how the disciples were doing such hard and harsh sword styles and they were doing it perfectly...

After the disciples got the hang of it he asked them to practice more in which he received a determined reply of 'yes shixiong!'...

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